Humane Robot

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A/N: I had a hard time figuring how to write Kiibo's section but well, that's coz he's a robot, forgive my robophobia. In any case, because he's a robot, there is a largely different way for him to go through getting out of the killing game unlike the rest of the cast, where they undergo the loading, error and etc but for Kiibo, you can bet that rebooting and stuff happens so let me do that. In any case, after the loading section, [...] is for real-world happenings, (...) is for the reboot process. Without any of that would be in Kiibo's narrative. Hopefully, this will make sense after further reading through.

Crash. Bang. Boom.

Those were the sounds that filled the once standing Ultimate Academy of Gifted Juveniles. Now, it was rumbling to dust, still barely standing...

Shoot. Fire. Destroy.

That's what Kiibo was doing, the reason for the Ultimate Academy to be crumbling beneath him. An ending. The final ending.

He can't help remember all his classmates, as he was doing this deed, that it came up to this. The final punishment... it sickens him that he has to go through this.

Was this his doing... or the audiences? He wanted everyone out alive, but he was set to destroy everyone when no one voted.

Is it that even at the end... that he really had no free will. He can't help but remember the first time ever he questioned his own existence. It was a long time ago... when there were more students but already suffering a few losses in this killing game.

"Why are you always so mean to me? Why do you always have it out for me when I didn't even do anything to you?"

"... You are weird. You... you may act human, but you are still a robot. And robots... are not humans."

"How rude! But I'm trying to be human. Don't look down at my accomplishments."

"Nishishi. I know... that but... you are still a robot and... in a killing game? Why? Unless you... are made for the... killing game?"

"I am not made for this killing game! I am stuck and confused about my situation as you all are!"

"Nishi...shi. I was just lying or... may- maybe you are lying to... me and going to kill me now... uhh... of all the time to be injured..."

"I am not going to kill you. ... Just relax, I promise I won't do anything."

"...OK... but that's because it's too... tiring to talk to someone so... boring."

That was when Kiibo had asked a very important question to Kokichi who, with his head injury, became less on guard and less malicious as words easily slipped out of his tongue. And he just wanted to know why.

What Kokichi said... what he genuinely felt about Kiibo was shocking. It was absolutely no excuse for his robophobia and Kiibo still hated Kokichi for that.

But what he said... made Kiibo think a little. About his existence. About being a robot. About this game. After all, Kokichi was the first one to point it out.

That Kokichi was right. It was weird. Weird for a robot to be inside a killing game when a robot wouldn't kill with the three laws of robotics in place.

But then, his inner voice came to him:

'You should just forget about that. After all, Ouma is a liar. Maybe he was just saying that to mess with you. You should believe in yourself more. Or else people will easily belittle you like Ouma did.'

As usual, Kiibo felt his inner voice right. He was always glad about it, always a guiding hand when he's in most trouble, and he dismissed what Kokichi had said, although he felt something genuine within those words that day which was when he heard of Kokichi's final words from Kaito, he believed them true. If there was anything he learned from that interaction was that Kiibo won't believe Kokichi until it came to the serious moment of things. That he wasn't a liar to the core.

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