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Shouta and Toshinori went home a few days ago. They were out shopping and preparing for the coming festival in Fukuoka.
Shouta was looking for kimono's they can wear, while Toshinori was buying Hitoshi some of his favorite foods. After shopping, Shouta told Toshinori to try on the kimono she brought. It was a yellow kimono, with a cat pin on it. Toshinori chuckled as he grabbed the kimono from Shouta's hand.

The festival came, Shouta already wore her black and blue kimono, She was preparing Hitoshi and fixing his clothes. Shouta and Hitoshi are waiting for Toshinori, until Hitoshi saw Izuku walking with his mom.
"Izuku!!" Hitoshi yelled as he ran to Izuku. Shouta ran after Hitoshi making sure he wont get lost.
Izuku looked happy when he saw his playmate. "Toshi! I didnt know you would be here! Wow, I like your purple kimono!" Izuku praised.
Shouta smiled as she watched the two play with each other and praising their kimono. Toshinori finally arrived with Hizashi and Nemuri. Nemuri was wearing a purple and blue kimono with a flower design. Hizashi wore a grey kimono while his hair was down.
"Yoo! MC MIC IS ON THE HOUse...why'd you do that, bro!?" Hizashi accidentally used his quirk, but Shouta covered his mouth.
"You are lucky I am quirkless right now! If All for One didnt stole my quirk, You wouldnt use your quirk until the end of the festival!" Shouta scolded. Toshinori felt bad for Shouta loosing her quirk, she loved her Erasure quirk because it helps her save someone. While the Five were walking, Hitoshi and Izuku kept asking their moms to buy them an Allmight and Cat mask. And until they give up, they bought Izuku an Allmight mask, and Hitoshi a Cat mask. The kids jumped in joy as they played their masks. The festival was about to end, Toshinori and Shouta decided to watch the Fireworks at the top of the mountain. Inko agreed to watch over Hitoshi while they watch their fireworks.

They walked to the quiet forest, Toshinori was planning to give Shouta her quirk, he wanted to make her happy. When they reached the top of the mountain, Shouta checked on her phone for the time.

Shouta put her phone back in her purse and waited for the fireworks.
Toshinori held her hands, making her look at him "Shouta...I have a gift for you..." Toshinori spoke.
Shouta was confused, until she felt a pain on her palm, she looked at their hands and saw some aura surrounding it. The aura slowly faded, and Shouta looked at her palm, it was still okay, no brused.
"I-I...I dont understand...what did you do?" Shouta asked in a whisper.
Toshinori slowly placed his hands on Shouta's waiste and pulled her, feeling her body over his. "I just felt bad for you...I remembered that you lost your quirk the day you gave birth to Hitoshi...and Im just returning it with my quirk.." Toshinori answered.

Shouta looked at Toshinori, gazing at his blue ocean eyes. She place her hands on Toshinori's chest and cried.
Toshinori got flustered when Shouta cried. "D-Did I do something wrong!?Im so sorry, Shou!" Toshinori apologized. Shouta wiped her tears with her hand, and made eye contact with her husband who looked so worry. Shouta made a smile on her lips. She made her face even closer to Toshinori's face.

"Thank you." Shouta whispered, then she closed the gap between them by a heart, warming, soft kiss.
Toshinori flustered, but he let Shouta win. As they kissed, Fireworks started to explode from the sky in their backround. Toshinori placed his hand on Shouta's face as he return the action.
They pulled out the kiss and looked at each other. Shouta still have tears in her eyes. Toshinori carried Shouta in a bridal style as they went down the mountain, returning back to the others. When theh reached the parking lot, they saw Nemuri and Hizashi, carrying Hitoshi who was asleep in their arms.

"Damn, Shouta! Your son is like you, a sleepy kitten!" Hizashi spoke.
Shouta smiled, and Toshinori slowly put down Shouta back to the ground.
Shouta grabbed Hitoshi slowly, making sure he wont wake up, and went to the car, opening the door with her fingers. She placed Hitoshi on the back seat and closing the door. "Thank you, for watching over our son." Toshinori thanked before going inside the car.
While Toshinori drive, he cant help but watch at his family. Shouta was at the back seat, sleeping with Hitoshi.

Hitoshi was sleeping on Shouta's hand, resting his head on his mother's chest. Toshinori smiled as he watched the two sleep.
When they reached their home, he parked his car from the garage, turning off the engine. He got off the car, opening the back door, and carrying Shouta and Hitoshi.
He opened the door and went upstairs, opening their room door and placing the two on their bed.

Toshinori went downstairs and locked the doors, closing the lights on his way up. He lay down next to his family, still on their kimono.
Toshinori cuddled into Shouta and closed his eyes.

"You're Welcome...Shou-chan."

Word Count: 885

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