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Author's POV

A knock heard on the door, Minjun composed herself before saying a quick "Come in."

A tall, slender, beautiful blonde come inside the room. Minjun give her a polite smile.

"Please take a seat."

The young woman sit down infront of her.

"Hello Mrs. Kim. I'm quite surprised that you called me all of a sudden." The blonde said.

Minjun sighed, "I could have asked for a professional one, but it can't be exposed to others except someone close and trusted."

The blonde smiled, "Am I trusted?"

"You are my best friend's daughter." Minjun said before bending closer towards the table, "I want clarify something immediately."

Minjun was conflicted after seeing the girl who looks like Jisoo. She knows it's not possible yet, she wants to confirm it.

"Sure. Give me details. I'll try to give you all the information that you want." The blonde said coolly.

Minjun give her a photograph, "I want to know about this person."

"Who is this? Name?" She asked.

"I don't know. That's why I called you here. It's your job. I'm giving you two weeks from now on." Minjun ordered her.

The blonde took a sharp breath to calm herself from snapping at the elder. She don't take orders.

"I'll try to deliver the information as fast as possible." The blonde assured before getting up from her seat.

"Be careful with the information. Don't involve anyone else in this case. Keep it to yourself, Rosé. " Minjun warned again.

Rosé clenched her jaws, only nodding before leaving. Minjun on the other hand sighed again. She needs to know who is that girl, looks like the same as Jisoo.

"Is it really my mind playing tricks or she is actually alive?" The thought of Jisoo being alive sends shivers down her spine. "No I need to wait until Rosé give me full information."


"Kim Jisoo! Get down right now." Nahee yelled from the kitchen.

Jisoo sighed in her room. She finished wearing her clothes then go downstairs. Nahee glared at her while holding a bag full of cocaine powder packs.

"What is it?" Jisoo asked, knowing very well what's gonna happen next.

A hard punch landed on her left cheek. She fall on her floor with a thud.

"Bitch I told you to sell these to James. Why haven't you delivered it yet!? He fucking called me." Nahee growled.

Jisoo glared back, before getting up, "I was busy with my work."

"Fuck your work! I don't care. It's not my god damn concern!" She pushed Jisoo harshly.

Her back collided with the wall, "I don't want to do it! Why can't you go do your own shit!?"

"Talking back to me!" Nahee didn't hesitated to punch her gut. Jisoo crouched down, whimpering in pain.

Nahee grabbed fistful of hair, "I'm letting both of you two filthy rats stay here. Are you trying to rebel!?"

"I'm paying off the fucking debt that you made! You have no right to say that!" Jisoo fired back. It angered Nahee more.

She was about to grab a knife from the kitchen counter when Jinyoung hold her leg, "Please forgive her mom! Don't hurt her."

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