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Hello darlings,

Hope you are all doing well. So today I am writing to say something important or rather give you my insight on the recent incident. Yes, my page got blocked too. Yes, AK has blocked me but this was an insight for me. Just think about it. I know that many of you are upset with him. Many of you are wondering why us? What did we do for him to block us? Here is a huge mistake which I did too. Ashwin desperately needs professional support but we as Ashaangians, for the most part, are hyping his personal space more than professional. That's where we made a mistake. His social media is a professional page that is being seen by people in the industry. Most of the Ashaangi pages have huge following. Even our page that was started just 4 months ago, has reached 1255 followers.

So just imagine a producer is searching for something related to Ashwin, major portion of what he is going to see is Ashaangi related. Is that going to bring him work? The answer is no. If you look at both Ashwin and Sivaangi's instagram, the posts are very, very professional. They, in fact, have archived posts that sound even remotely personal.

Now coming to his recent "like" for Teju's post and the Vannamayile reel that he posted is a clear indication that, most likely, a project that he has already completed with her, is about to release and I assume it is a MV. Supporting the project or not is purely up to you. Yes, none of us like her (I am saying this in the most dignified way) but he did do a project hoping we will like it. At the end of the day, they are all entertainers and work hard to do so.

Some of you might say that other actors are not blocking their fans but other actors were shipped with their costar for certain projects they were doing and that is how the business is. Ashwin is the only actor whose shipping is with a focus on his personal life. So please understand something, blocking Ashaangi fan pages does not equal to Ashwin hates Sivaangi, it is just his way of screaming out that please support me professionally.

I am not asking you to support his projects with his costars but please do not spew hate on him. He does not know any of us personally and does not intend to hurt us. Please understand that. Both Ashwin and Sivaangi are giving us tiny hints of their personal lives but, at this time, they need our support professionally. As you all know, I am a die hard Ashaangian and will always be so. When they make it official we can all rejoice, but right now they need our professional support.

Last but not the least, all his costars are his friends so just because some useless idiot rambles something it does not make it true. Alli can say is, trust him, trust them. Also, those who claim to have "proof" thanks but no thanks.

Brinda Subramanian

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