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"I knew I should've had the old man give me a map. Cause I'd at least know where I am." Bell thought to himself, looking out at the sea.

It was a beautiful amalgamation of endless blue that stretched on for miles. Slight waves crashed against the harbor, and the smell of salt filled Bell's nose.

Had this been any other time, Bell would've stopped to admire the view. But as it stood, he was lost with no idea where he was. He had plenty of money on him as well as his father's sword and chestplate.

His sword was a Greek Xiphos made from adamantite with a smoothed pommel with a handle of elven steelbark. Its handle was lightly singed, but a leather wrapping covered it. It had sharpness and durability enchantments, showing excellent craftsmanship.

His chestplate was a highland mithril chestplate with leather straps with a dwarven-made design. The armor was covered in ash and soot that seemed melted into the armor, making it look dirty. The only enhancements on the chestplate were durability and fire resistance.

Which meant Bell stuck out like a sore thumb in a town he didn't know the name of. Looking like a fabled knight out of a storybook.

His finger nervously tapped the pommel of his sword as he looked around the town. Should he ask someone for help? Would they even believe him if he said he was lost?

Bell sighed and looked to the sky. The sun shone brightly in the sky, bathing the town in its light.

"Well, Grandpa, looks like I'm off to a wonderful start." Bell thought.

He sighed and looked to the ground. "I wish you were still here. I don't think I'm ready for this."

A deep pit of loneliness filled Bell's stomach as he once again looks out to the ocean. Such a beautiful blue caused him to smile slightly. The world was so beautiful.

"Excuse me, young man, are you alright?" A woman called out.

Bell turned and saw a woman standing before him. She had long walnut brown hair that was gathered together behind her head in a dignified manner, along with deep indigo eyes that were reminiscent of a sea of stars. She wears a simple kirtle and a long skirt.

Bell was slightly taken aback by her beauty but quickly snapped out of it. "Uh, not really, I'm kind of lost."

The woman nodded. "Oh, I see, and where is it you seem to be going?"

"Orario," Bell answered.

"You're quite far from there."

Bell lightly chuckled. "I can see that, any idea which way I should go?"

The woman placed a finger to her chin. "Hmm, let's see, you'd have to take a carriage going west, but those are quite expensive, so is a ship over there too. Do you have enough for either of those?"

"Doubt it, only have a few thousand valis. Know any good place to buy some supplies?"

"If you only have a few thousand valis, you won't be able to stock up much on supplies." The woman pointed out.

"I'm really good at rationing. Besides, I can walk 36 miles in a day easily. How far is Orario?"

"About 300 miles away. But you shouldn't walk there on your own. What if you get robbed?"

Bell shrugged. "I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Now, any idea where a good general store is?"

The woman looked at Bell, her face full of worry. "Why are you in such a rush to get to Orario? Why not wait til you're a little older and have some skills under your belt?"

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