Floor 18

843 58 17

Bell leaned back against a rock with Welf sitting across from him as their campfire crackled. The three girls of their party. Emma, Karen, and Lili slept near the pond as it was a natural barrier against attackers.

Night had long since fallen, leaving the campfire their only source of light. Both had their weapons drawn in their hands, ready to fight if needed.

Even if they themselves were growing exhausted.

"You did good leading us today, Bell," Welf said.

Bell quirked an eyebrow. "How so?"

"Well, you didn't panic, for starters. Refused to give up even as all of us were nearly at our limits and refused to leave anyone behind. That's a good leader right there."

Bell chuckled. "Coming from the one who wanted to be left behind."

"Eh, let's just say my spirits were shattered. Besides, no one would miss me if I was gone. Only what I can create."

Bell didn't miss a beat. "I'd miss you, we're friends after all."

Welf chuckled. "Yeah, I guess you're right. You know you're probably the first friend I've made since I've come here. Everyone tries to act friendly with me so I can make them magic swords. But not you, though."

"That's because I'm perfectly fine with the sword I have. Don't need any fancy magic sword to use."

"Still, you haven't asked for one despite knowing me for nearly a month now. It means a lot to know I'm not being used."

"Please, I'm using you for good armor." Bell joked.

Welf laughed before grabbing his chest. "Oh, don't make me laugh. It hurts."

"You want my last potion? It should help with the pain until we get you to Airmid." Bell asked.

Welf shook his head. "No, save it for Karen. We don't know if her leg fully healed or not. Trust me, I'll be fine, just a little chest pain."

"You're lucky to know. Being hit by a Minotaur is no joke. Especially at level one."

"Yeah, you'd know all about that, wouldn't you?"

"Well, I did go flying through a building when it happened to me."


The two sat in silence as Bell glanced over to the girls again. They were sleeping soundly next to each other. Peaceful looks on their faces as if they hadn't gone through hell earlier.

"Made it by the skin of our teeth, didn't we." Bell joked.

"Yeah, little too close for comfort. Though I bet I leveled from that." Welf said.

"Yeah, that'd be pretty cool. That means next time, we'll have more heavy hitters."

"It would also mean I could pull my weight if something like this happened again. I felt useless on our way down here."

"Hey, don't look at it that way. You saved Lili's life, that alone deserves praise."

"Yeah, and I took one hell of a right hook because of it."

"That you did, but hey, it's all over with. Now we just need to wait for rescue."

"When do you think that's coming?" Welf asked.

"Well, it depends on how much Astraea freaked the hell out or if there was a massive dinner rush."

"Dinner rush?"

"You'll see when they get here."

Welf shrugged and yawned. He blinked his eyes a few times in order to stay awake.

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