Bar Fight

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Astraea calmly walked into the Tower of Babel and entered the elevator. She pressed the button to the 30th floor and waited as the elevator began its ascent.

She felt nervous going to a Denatus after so long. The last one she could remember was five years ago. Right before the incident happened.

The elevator lurched to a stop and opened on the 30th floor. Astraea walked out, keeping her regal-like posture calm and steady. She saw the giant door to the meeting room with gods outside milling about.

They didn't pay her any mind as their chatter drowned out the sound of the elevator opening, so they didn't know she arrived. However, someone did call out to her.

"Astraea, it's good to see you again!" Ganesha called out.

Astraea smiled at her old friend and approached him. "Ganesha, it's so good to see you as well. This time, there are no Minotaurs about."

Ganesha chuckled. "That is true; I must extend an apology to you once more for the incident occurring during Monsterphelia."

"Oh, that's quite alright, Ganesha. I wasn't harmed. My child was, however, but he doesn't blame you."

Ganesha laughed again. "Your new child is something else. Beating a Minotaur at level one, taking down the Soma familia, and once more with calling out the guild. You always know how to pick them."

Astraea smiled as Ganesha said good things about Bell. She was hoping the two of them could meet someday.

"Yes, he really is a wildcard, but I wouldn't have it any other way. How are your children doing?"

"Well, they're doing alright. Your child has driven Shakti up a wall, however. He refused to tell her where you were. But I can make an assumption as to where he brought you during the Soma incident."

"Yes, he brought me to safety. Bell's good at keeping quiet."

"Right, well, I'll keep my mouth shut. Remind him I still owe him a favor for his help in Monsterphelia. I, Ganesha, never fail to pay a debt I owe."

"I'll make sure he's reminded. Maybe you two could meet up for lunch one day?"

"Excellent idea! That way, we can hash out the details. Hopefully, it shall be productive."

Ganesha then noticed that the gods were filtering into the room.

"Looks like they're heading in. Shall we follow?" He asked.

Astraea felt nervousness emerging from the pit of her stomach. She hadn't been to one in so long, and she didn't know her standing with the other gods she didn't know how'd she be treated.

"I don't care what name I get. As long as you give it to me, I'll wear it with pride."

Bell's words rang through her mind, and she could see his smile. His smile telling her he would accept whatever she gave him.

She couldn't let him down.

"Yes, let's head inside," Astraea spoke.

Ganesha and Astraea entered the amphitheater, where the rest of the gods were gathered. Ganesha had to bid her farewell as he was the one hosting

Astraea looked around for a seat and saw Freya waving her over. This didn't confuse her much, as she and Freya had a cordial relationship before she left Orario. But she didn't expect Freya to come here as she rarely did.

"Astraea over here!" She called out.

Astraea walked over to Freya as all eyes turned to her. She took her seat next to Freya, causing the goddess of beauty to smile.

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