A Smith

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Emma awoke to the smell of fresh bacon reaching her room. Her eyes fluttered open as she looked around the room she was in.

Her bedsheets were green with red pillows. A nightstand with a lamp and fashion magazines stacked next to it laid untouched as it had for many years.

A single window lit up the room in the sunlight, allowing Emma to see her dresser propped up against the middle of a wall. A closet next to it that Iska had put in herself.

Along with a mirror and lots of makeup to make one look fashionable.

Emma herself didn't really care much for how she looked. But she wouldn't move anything in this room as a way to honor Iska, who was no longer here.

She yawned and stretched as she got out of bed. Before going to the dresser and picking out some clothes.

Astraea had already packed Iska's away and then took Emma shopping for new clothes for her to have while in the city.

She grabbed a red short-sleeved shirt and green pants. As well as blue socks. Emma liked to dress with as many colors as possible to make herself feel unique.

Maybe that way, her sister would have an easier time identifying her.

Once dressed, Emma walked over into the hallway before making her way into the dining room.

Once she arrived, she found Astraea sitting at the head of the table. A newspaper in her hand as she liked to be updated with events in the city.

Lili sat next to her, a book of spear fighting for dummies open with her reading it. Bell was in the kitchen cooking, pleased with his position as the new captain.

Astraea folded her newspaper down, hearing Emma come in.

"Good morning, breakfast should be ready soon, so take a seat." Astraea smiled.

Emma felt a little nervous but took her seat next to Lili. She was still getting used to being part of a familia. Even if she hadn't gone into the dungeon yet.

Bell entered a few minutes later carrying four plates in his arms. He set them down and passed them on to each person at the table before placing his at his seat.

Then went back to the kitchen to grab the drinks. Once the table was finished being set, he sat down on Astraea's left.

"Alright, let's eat," Bell said.

Astraea put her newspaper down, and Lili did the same with her book. Once everyone began eating, conversation picked up.

"So Emma, after breakfast, we'll head to Babel and get you some equipment. Then we'll begin your training." Bell said.

Emma nodded. "Alright, will I be allowed to choose what I want?"

"Of course, it'd be rude to force you to use a weapon you wouldn't be comfortable with. Although I do recommend learning multiple."

"Do you know multiple?" Emma asked.

"Mostly swords and spears," Bell answered.

Emma nodded and ate her eggs.

"Oh, Bell, make sure to get some new armor for yourself as well," Astraea said.

"That was also on the agenda for today. Lili, while we're gone, I expect you to continue practicing your spear training. With your full equipment."

"Got it, Master Bell."

Bell smiled as the group continued to eat breakfast. A peaceful atmosphere filled the room filled with smiles and jokes. It was times like these that made Bell appreciate the good in life.

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