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"Bell, Bell, wake up." Asteaea softly called, shaking Bell awake.

Bell stirred before his eyes fluttered open and looked up at his goddess. Her walnut-colored hair brushed against his face as she was leaning over him.

Bell yawned before sitting up. "Morning Astraea, what time is it?"

"Almost Seven, I was wondering what was keeping you," Astraea answered.

Bell yawned again. "Huh, maybe I was more tired than I thought."

Bell stood up and stretched once more. It was then Astraea noticed the book lying on the ground. She recognized it immediately for what it was, and her eyes widened in shock.

"Bell, where did you get this!" Astraea asked.

Bell glanced at the book. "Huh? Oh, that, Syr gave it to me when I had to drag you home last night."

Astraea set the book down on his nightstand before grabbing his dagger. Her thoughts running with theories on who Syr is.

"Take off your shirt, I need to see your falna," Astraea ordered.

"Uh, ok," Bell said, extremely confused.

He took his shirt off and showed his back to Astraea. She pricked her finger and let a drop of her divine blood seep into Bell's back.

Bell Cranel
Astraea familia
Level 1

Strength- F430- F435
Endurance- E515- E517
Dexterity- G320- G322
Agility- E540- E550
Magic- I50

Spirit Eidolon: %*#!


Satanas Verion: Gospel

"No, no, no, no, no. How does he have her magic." Astraea internally panicked.

"Everything alright back there?" Bell asked.

Astraea cleared her throat. "Bell, you can never use your new magic."

"Wait, I have new magic? Why can't I use it?" Bell worriedly asked.

Astraea took a shaky breath. Small bits of fear were running through her body as she remembered the original owner of this spell.

"Remember what I told you about the Dark Age?" Astraea asked.

Bell felt small hints of anger at those words but kept it to himself. "Yes, I remember."

"Well, there were two figureheads at the center of all of this. The Silence and Gluttony. They, along with a god called Erebus, led Evilus in their pursuit to see Orario burn."

"And what does this have to do with me not being able to use my new spell?" Bell asked.

Astraea took in another shaky breath. "The Silence was a mage the likes of which the world had never seen. Even now, nobody comes close to her prowess with magic. But the main spell she used was the one on your back."

Bell remained quiet for a second. Before catching Astraea off guard by chuckling. "I really can't seem to catch a break, can I? Alright, I'll only use the spell in emergencies. Don't want some angry mob to descend upon our home because I have the same spell as a terrorist."

Astraea was slightly taken aback by Bell's calm attitude. She didn't know what to expect, but she didn't expect him to be nonchalant about it.

"You're, awfully calm about this," Astraea said.

Bell, who had his back turned to her this entire time, turned to face her. "Well, I'm a little annoyed, but no point in getting angry over unfortunate circumstances. Now, what's the chant for it so I know what to use."

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