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Bell and his party entered the 13th floor of the dungeon. Its ground was bedrock, and twists and turns seemed to branch off everywhere. The air seemed damp and moist. Yet it wasn't hot nor cold.

It was just normal.

"Alright, welcome to the middle floors," Bell said as he turned around. "Emma, can you tell me what monsters spawn on this floor?" 

"Hellhounds, Al Mirages, Crystal Mantis's, Dungeon Worms, Bad Bats, and Hard Armored with the possibility of Wyverns if one is unlucky," Emma answered.

Bell gave her a small clap. "Good job, Emma, now, from here on out, stay close to each other. This will be like nothing we've ever faced before."

After Bell finished speaking, he moved his head out of the way as an Al Mirage flew past him. A makeshift axe in its hand.

Bell's hand snaked around his neck and, with a flick of his wrist, snapped it.

"Case in point. It tried a sneak attack."

Bell dropped the Al Mirage on the ground, and Lili carved into it, taking its monster stone out and watching as it disappeared into ash.

"Now, Welf, how many Al Mirages are normally in a group?"

"As little as three to as many as fifty." The boy answered.

"Correct, so get ready."

Bell drew his sword and shot forward like a bolt of lightning. Five Al Mirages laid dead around him, with five more charging the rest of the party.

"Those are yours."

Welf drew his greatsword and swung down, slicing an Al Mirage in half.

Karen thrusted her rapier forward and stabbed one in the head.

Lili thrusted her spear forward and stabbed one in the eye.

Emma slashed down and decapitated the last two.

Bell stood there with a proud smile on his face. "Good job."

Lili then got to work carving out the monster stones while Welf took a closer look at the Al Mirages.

"Hey, Bell, these rabbits kind of look like you."

Emma and Karen took a closer look and had to agree with Welf. Bell approached Welf and stood next to him.

"Why, because we have white hair and red eyes? That's like me saying Lili's a goblin because she's short."


Welf laughed while Emma and Karen tried to stifle theirs. Small giggles leaving their lips as they failed. Lili mumbled as she carved the monster stones out.

"Heads up, Hellhounds," Bell said.

Two hellhounds stood on a ridge above the group. Their mouths opened, and fire was ready to shoot forth.

Welf's hand quickly shot up, and he chanted. "Will-O-Wisp."

The fire shot forward from the Hellhound's mouth but immediately went back in and blew up, causing their heads to pop.

"Good reaction time, Welf." Bell congratulated.

Bell jumped up to the small ridge and, grabbed the bodies, and brought them to the pile Lili had just finished working on.

Meanwhile, in Bell's mind, he was hoping things would continue to go well. But if they didn't, he was ready to fight like hell to make sure they all survived. He had taught everyone everything about the middle floors, including their layout.

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