Oh captain my captain

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Sometimes, I see comments, and it makes it clear some of you don't read the author's notes.

Bell laid unconscious in a pool of his own blood that grew larger with each passing second. The sound of combat didn't reach his ears as a massive force shook the building.

It was then the front door was thrown open, and an angry dwarfess stood tall looking behind her.

"Syr, stay behind me." She ordered.

Her gaze turned inside, and her eyes narrowed in anger. Her bar was a mess. Multiple tables flipped over, with a majority shattered.

Gallons of blood stained the floor from the twenty dead bodies that laid scattered around the building. The railing leading upstairs was gone now, just splinters of wood.

"Whoever did this is gonna get their fucking ass beat," Mia growled.

She marched inside, and the sound of combat reached her ears coming from the back. She threw a broken table out of the way, her heart pounding with a righteous fury.

She stopped, however, as she saw the bleeding and broken body of Bell lying in front of her. A type of motherly instinct filled her as she rushed to him.

"Gods, kid, hang on." She thought.

She picked him up and saw his face was covered in wounds. A deep cut was located on the left side of his face, close to his eye.

Both sides of his temple were bleeding. His left arm was broken with three arrows buried deep inside. One in his palm, the other in his elbow, and the last in his shoulder.

His right ankle was broken, and an arrow buried into his right knee as well. Mia knew Bell would bleed out soon.


She propped Bell up against a wall as Syr ran to the kitchen. Mia followed behind her but marched to the back.

The fighting seemed to stop outside as Mia threw the door open. Anya stood there, petrified in fear as well as Ryu.

"Mama Mia nya hold on-

"Ryu, come here! Anya, I need your help as well! You two wait here. I'll deal with you later!" Mia ordered.

Mia didn't even wait for a response before she dragged the two of them inside. Syr was wrapping towels around Bell to act as makeshift tourniquets in the hope of slowing down the bleeding.

Both girls eyes widened in shock, seeing the inside of the bar. But their hearts filled with fear at seeing Bell's broken body.

Ryu quickly rushed to his side while Anya moved to help Syr. Mia stormed back outside while Ryu had her hand raised and began chanting.

"The song of a now distant forest. The nostalgic song of life. Please bring the mercy of healing to those that seek you. Noah heal."

Her hand glowed green as the most minor of Bell's wounds started to heal. The gash on his right arm and temple began closing.

Anya grabbed a towel and pressed it again, the cut on his face with the towel turning a dark red soon after.

"My magic's barely working!" Ryu panicked.

"Keep trying, nya!"

Ryu focused more of her mind into her spell, trying to get the maximum effect out of it. Yet it barely helped with only his most minor of wounds being closed.

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