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Bell and the Astraea familia sat around the dining room table as they enjoyed their breakfast. However, one thing had been on everyone's mind for a while.

They were a familia of justice yet they did no patrols around the city. Everyone but Bell wondered why that was.

"Alright, now that you're all here I have something to announce," Astraea said.

The girls leaned forward invested in what Astraea was about to say. Astraea looked over to Bell who gave her a nod.

"Now while we may be a familiar of justice I bet you've noticed the lack of patrols we've been on."

The three girls nodded.

"Well Bell and I talked about that last night and we came to the agreement that we will begin patrols once you all reach level two. This way you'll be able to deal with at least half of the adventurer population with ease."

The girls were a little disappointed that they couldn't go out and patrol the city. They felt like it was their duty to the city and the legacy of the Astraea familia.

Lili especially wanted to go out on patrol. She wanted to stop what happened to her from happening to anyone else.

"I know some of you are disappointed but Bell and I decided this would be best to have the minimum requirement for patrols at level two. Your safety is our utmost priority." Astraea explained.

Bell then stood up. "Now I know you three are disappointed you can't go and patrol just yet. But as Astraea said we care about your safety, and you can't protect people if you're dead. Let Ganesha and his familia keep the city safe for just a little bit longer. Then you can break out onto the scene."

"Alright, Bell." The three said.

"Now eat your breakfast and get your spirits up. Besides you're all almost level two anyway."

The three grumbled and went back to eating their breakfast. Bell smiled and shook his head. He was glad they were disappointed in not being able to patrol. It meant they had good hearts.

But in the end, he just wanted them to be safe. There would be times he wouldn't be with them and it would be up to them to protect themselves.

After breakfast was finished Lili went to the backyard to practice with her spear while Karen and Emma went to study up more on the dungeon.

Astraea headed to her office while Bell left the house. He had someone he wanted to visit after all.

Bell arrived at the Hostess of Fertility a few minutes later. The breakfast rush seemed to be winding down as Bell entered.

He saw what looked like two worried parents at the bar talking to Mia and Ryu. In the corner of his eye, Bell saw Anya sweeping the floor so he approached her.

He lightly tapped her on the shoulder causing her to turn around and smile.

"Bell!" She cheered.

She wrapped an arm around his neck and gave him a hug which he returned.

"Are you going to the dungeon today nya?" Anya asked pulling back.

Bell shook his head. "No not today. Welf's too busy making armor. Karen and Emma are studying and Lili is practicing again. I think they're still trying to work up the courage to go back to floor 13."

"Oh well, they'll work up their courage again nya. So what brings you by?"

"Well since I've made such a big name for myself I got invited to some high-end casino, and I'm allowed to take a plus one. I was wondering if you would like to go with me tonight?"

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