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Bell awoke to see the moonlight shining down on him. He sat up and yawned, looking around his room as he did so.

Looking at his clock on the wall, he saw it was around four in the morning. He had fallen asleep at noon, so he had been asleep for just about 16 hours.

"Oh, I needed that. Mhmmm, time for a bath." He yawned.

Bell stood up and realized all his equipment was on him. It seems he didn't bother taking anything off or getting under the covers. Once he saw the bed, he plopped down and let the dreams take over.

He chuckled to himself before taking off his armor and placing it by his bedside. His short sword and saber were next, but Bell took a longer look at the cursed blade.

He hadn't had to use it yet. Or rather, he hadn't wanted to. Curse weapons were a taboo among adventurers, or at least that was something he heard.

But then again, Bell didn't care if it was a taboo when he took it and still didn't now. No, Bell simply wasn't ready to use it yet. Because if he did, he'd be a different person.

He didn't know how, but he knew. It was like an itching feeling in the back of his head. But it was better that he have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

So, with a sigh, Bell set the saber next to his armor and grabbed a clean pair of clothes. He yawned again before making his way to the bath.

Astraea was in the process of getting an extension so he could have one and not have to wait for the girls to use it. Or the other way around.

He entered the bath and took his clothes off, and threw them in the hamper. Then grabbed a towel and walked inside the bath.

He filled the tub with water before sinking in and feeling all the stress in his body leave him. He sighed in bliss as he sunk further in.

"Man, that dive was really tough. I'm just glad I got everyone out ok."

Bell's mind wandered back to the incident. The monster lures, hundreds, if not thousands, of monsters. Lili getting grabbed, Welf getting tossed aside, Karen's fear. The one thing that remained a constant, however, was Emma's bravery.

He knew she was scared. Yet Emma seemed to bury her fear and solider on. Bell found that to be an admirable quality.

Lili also did amazing as well. She was always ready to fight at the drop of a hat.

"Well, they did the best they could given the circumstances. But who would want to kill me is the question?"

He couldn't really think of anyone besides the Soma familia. But they were all in jail, mostly with their god pleading guilty to the charges.

Ryu told him about the Aeshema familia, but he had killed 20 of them. Bell didn't see him having many people left to waste on a petty revenge quest.

Evilus also came to mind, but he didn't know why they'd want to kill him. Maybe it was because he was restarting the Astraea familia?

Again, Bell didn't know. Not with the information he had at the moment. His eyes then shot open as he remembered a very important thing.

"I have a date!"

Anya sat on Syr's bed while Syr rummaged through her closet. She pulled out a red tank top and a black skirt.

"How about this? Nice and casual, but it still makes you look nice." Syr said.

"Hmm, I don't know nya. That skirt seems too short."

Syr smiled. "That's the point you want his attention to be solely on you. You want him to want you."

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