meeting the mother

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➳༻❀ December 2023 ❀༺➳

˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ imessage ˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗



Jenna - Donatello

Ivy - Michelangelo

Delilah - Leonardo

Aiden - Raphael




wake up!

i have news!



 what i was sleeping


what's up


its 7 in the morning


tom told me he loved me

and i said it back


i'm so happy for you


tom is perfect you


i love how we're acting like this is an engagement


honestly based on her past relationships it might as well be



honestly no lies were told


did you meet his parents yet?


not yet

we're 20 minutes away from their place

wish me luck


˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ real life˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗


Tom was in the front seat, talking to the taxi driver, so I put my phone in my purse and turn to Gabi, who I could tell was also kinda nervous. 

"Hey G, you ok?" I ask. 

She puts her phone down and turns to me, "Yeah, just a little nervous. I don't want to mess this up for you."

"What do you mean?"

"What if they hate me or hate that you adopted me, causing them to disapprove of your relationship with Tom," she frowns.

"How could anyone hate this face?" I poke her cheek, pulling a small smile out of her. "Why didn't you tell me you were feeling this way."

"It's kinda ridiculous. Tom's not my boyfriend. It's just," she hesitates.

"It's just what?" I press.

"It's just you're my mom. I might not call you mom, but in every way that counts, you've been my mother for the past four years, even more really."

I pulled her into a hug and just held her the best I could in this tiny taxi. After a moment, I whispered, without breaking apart, "You know I never want to do anything that replaces your birth parents, right?"

"I know. I love you Vee."

"I love you, too Gabs."

When we separated, I noticed the car slowing down as we approached a cute two story home. After paying the driver and getting our bags out of the trunk, we walked up the pathway where we were greeted by a blonde woman wearing an apron, presumably Tom's mother. 

"You must be Ivy and Gabriella." Before we could even blink, she quickly pulled us into a hug. "It is so nice to meet you. Tom has told me so much about you two."

I gave her a warm smile as we all walked inside the cozy house, "It's nice to meet, too Ms. Blyth."

She playfully gave me a glare as she said, "You can just call me Charlotte." 

"Where's Jakob?" Tom said, asking about his step-father as he bent down to kiss his mother on the cheek. 

"He's picking up some berries from the market for the trifle that I'm making for dessert," she answered.

"What smells so good?" Gabi asked. 

"I'm making Tom's favorite meal, Toad in the Hole. It's a traditional English dinner that is essentially a Yorkshire pudding with sausage, vegetables, and onion gravy."

"Sounds amazing," I said.

As the timer for the meal, we heard the front door open as well. A man with salt and pepper hair walked in with a grocery bag and greeted Tom and Charlotte. Once he put the bag down on the counter, he turned to us and introduced himself.

"Hi. I'm Jakob. You must be Ivy and Gabriella. Tom talks about you two all the time," he said, shaking our hands. 

"Nice to meet you too," we said. 

"All the time," I continued, raising a playful eyebrow at Tom. He just winked back and went to help his mom in the kitchen

"Oh yeah. Every time he calls, he loves to talk about what the two of you have been up to. The PG version of course." I blushed at that.

Luckily Charlotte saved me from more embarrassment by calling us all for dinner. We sat in the dinning room together and enjoyed a lovely meal together. Despite having just meeting Charlotte and Jakob, they made me and Gabi feel as though we were part of the family.


˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ author's note˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗


I really hope that I didn't butcher the description for Toad in the Hole, but if any readers are from the UK and could tell me, that would be much appreciated. Also, I pictured Jakob as Patrick Dempsey when he was about 50, which was in 2016-17. 

I want start to placing a stronger emphasis on her relationship with Gabi because that is technically her child even though she is 16.

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