Chapter 20

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"Are you joining us?" Mingyu yells, which snaps Dino back to reality.
"We're coming!" Jun shouts back, but he turns towards Dino first.
"I'll talk to them, maybe I can figure out what's really going on", he says before he runs towards the duo, who have just finished their snowman. Dino hesitates for a moment, but still joins them. Before they know it, the four of them are strangled in a snow fight, laughing and giggling in joy, running after each other. It has been a while since Dino has felt so happy, and seeing the happiness on the others' faces, they agree. After an hour of snowball fighting, Dino sits down next to Wonwoo, who's leaning his back against a tree. Exhausted, the two friends sit down on the ground and stare at the river in front of them. Wonwoo lets his head rest on Dino's shoulder and Dino smiles while he glances at Mingyu and Jun, who are talking to each other a few meters away. Dino wonders if Jun is asking about Wonwoo, but then Dino shakes his head. Is he really going to believe a crazy theory Jun made up? Maybe Mingyu will just tell Jun the same thing Wonwoo told Dino: Mingyu is the one doing bad, Wonwoo is the one looking after Mingyu. Of course Wonwoo is tired, he has to take care of Mingyu too. 
"It's ironic", Wonwoo mumbles and Dino looks at his friend confused.
"Huh?" he asks.
"We're sitting down in the exact same spot as when Jeonghan died. It's like a parallel", he says and Dino looks around surprised. They indeed are at the park, Dino can't believe so many things have happened here. It was Woozi's favorite spot, Jeonghan died in this river and so did Chan. Dino frowns looking at the jetty. Right there, Dino defeated his enemy. But why doesn't he feel any victory? He never felt victory in that whole war, so what was the point actually?
"You're right," Dino answers softly, "the only difference is that you're leaning your head on my shoulder instead of me leaning my head on yours." Wonwoo nods his head and fixes his beanie afterwards. Dino thinks back about the happiness he felt that day, even if someone died. It was also the day Scoups woke up. Dino sighs miserably, why haven't Scoups and Dino been kind to each other since?
"Would things have been different if Jeonghan didn't die?" Dino blurts out and Wonwoo blinks in thought.
"Probably," he says, "but that's life. Every little decision in your life has a huge impact on the following events."
"Wow, you sound like a true wise man", Dino jokes, but Wonwoo only shrugs.
"When do I not?" he responds and Dino smiles.
"But I believe if Jeonghan hadn't died, Joshua and I wouldn't be fighting like this", Dino continues his thought, but Wonwoo chuckles.
"No, you two would never have become friends", he says laughing and Dino can't hold back a giggle.
"Fair", he chuckles and they fall silent while they stare at the water. The surface of the river is starting to form into ice and Dino feels his fingertips freezing.
"It's cold", Dino states and Wonwoo wants to react, but Mingyu suddenly interupts them.
"Let's get back inside Wonwoo, we can't afford to catch a cold", he demands and Wonwoo nods his head before he gets up. Jun shares a concerning look with Dino, but keeps silent. 
"Visit me more often like this, not only for advice", Wonwoo says and Dino feels a wave of guilt washing over him.
"Didn't you need some advice?" Mingyu asks, but Dino waves it off.
"It's okay, nevermind", he says and Mingyu nods while he leads Wonwoo back inside. Dino can't ask Wonwoo for help now, he has seen how rough it is for them now, so Dino will just have to fix it on his own. Or he could ask Aylen. Shit, Aylen! He suddenly remembers that he never cancelled their plans. Aylen must be at his apartment by now. Dino wants to rush past Jun towards his apartment, but the brunette grabs his arm. Dino looks at him confused, but waits. Aylen can wait a little while, besides, Scoups is there too, he can surely let her in.
"Mingyu only confirmed my suspicion", Jun informs Dino and the younger blinks surprised.
"Did he tell you?" he asks in disbelief, but why didn't Mingyu just tell Dino too?
"No, he didn't," Jun admits, "but the way he told me made me doubt. He's making up a story and he doesn't like it. If we want to know the truth, we have to keep asking Mingyu, he will snap first." Dino lets his thoughts run free, would Jun be right? Maybe he's wrong and Mingyu and Wonwoo are telling the truth. Dino prays it's the last one.
"I'll think about it", Dino says before he runs away towards his apartment. Maybe Aylen can help him clear his mind.

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