Chapter 2: Endless Possibilities

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Bagong Borneo (?), Bagong Mundo (?)—

September 15, 2041; 8:17 AM—

At exactly 0700, An ATR 72MP of the 300th Aerial Intelligence and security wing was swiftly launched to the air. Its directive— scout the area known as Northern Borneo. It was just one of many recon missions, for the future operation Tanah Baru. Which was to secure Sabah for a future invasion of Borneo amidst the struggles of Malaysia and Indonesia.

The crew had already gotten used to their patrols, all they had to do was take care of any possible changes in the defenses, contact with foreign entities, and the routes to be taken. Eventually, after an hour of flying from Palawan, they finally spotted land within the distance.

"Alright, Alright." The Pilot spoke as he looked at their altitude. "We've spotted landmass, adjusting altitude. Lieutenant, determine position on the map."

"Currently, Captain." The Pilot looked at the map. "We're supposed to be somewhere around North Kaliman, Indonesia. Latitude 3.9142019427610184 and longitude 116.90711246464721."

"It's gonna be a bumpy ride, then." The Pilot commented as he adjusted the plane's trajectory. Before promptly realizing what his subordinate just said, "So, what? Let's just move a little to the north?"

"...Somewhat?" The Co-pilot responded before looking behind. "Yo, Navigator, anything on the radars?"

The navigator traversed both his and his assistant's computer and replied. "ELINT's not responding. Either the Indonesians abandoned their radars and missile defenses, or they're just suffering from lack of electricity."

"Alright then, we can't assume much. So, let's just continue with the mission. Prepare to capture the topographic overlay of the area."

The navigator returned to his seat and workstation and opened the necessary softwares. "Overlay's up, we're ready for the initial sweep."

"Let's begin, we'll go north to south. Let's see if there's any elevation changes."

Their sleek ATR 72MP soon proceeded to slowly fly through the towering mountains of supposed "Borneo". For now, most of the crew were confused about their current situation. It was supposed to be a routine recon mission, however not only were they strictly warned and continuously nagged by their officers to keep silent regarding the operation as usual. They also couldn't help but notice something off with their routine mission

"Have the Indonesians noticed us?" The Pilot asked, "I've heard most of their air force was concentrated on the Sumatra Rebellion. However, they couldn't have possibly sent all of them there, we should've encountered atleast two aircrafts by now."

"Not a thing, Sir." The navigator calmly replied. "Again, softwares' not giving any readings. There's practically no electricity present within the area."

"Ah, damn." The pilot cussed, eventually, he proceeded to bank the plane to the right for another sweep. Before suddenly being alarmed by his co-pilot. "Captain! We've got something on 190 degrees! Altitude unknown."

"Woah, it's fucking slow!" The Co-pilot commented. "That's impossible with today's standards."

"What do you mean?" The Captain calmly responded, retaining his hands on the stick and gave his attention to his co-pilot.

"It's slow! Like really slow!" The Co-pilot words shocked the crew and immediately prepared for evasive maneuvers.

"Fuck it." The Captain tightly gripped the control wheel and started banking slightly towards the right. Although the radar picked up its signature, undeniably, they weren't able to notice any electrical signals. "Try and make contact."

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