Chapter 11: The Cost of Unpreparedness

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Western Regions of the Kingdom of Mez—
Seisslamndar 28, 1357 FT; 4:26 PZ—

Below the clear skies of the fields, opposed two massive armies, one that of Human and one that of beastman. One fought for what they believed, whilst one fought because they had no other option.

As the result of the battle finally seemed imminent, Hyenite soldiers started wavering and their strength slowly left their bodies. As they held the line, their whimpers were heard, their legs trembling. All it took was for one domino to fall, and everything that they were struggling to maintain— would all crash down.

"R-retreat!" A common Hyenite soldier yelled as he threw away both his sword and shield, then turned around and pushed his comrades as he left.

His actions, as selfish as they were, was what the other Hyenite soldiers all needed. The first domino to fall.

"I can't take this!"

"R-run away!"

"Damn the Queen!"

In the middle of such a pitched battle along the lands of western Mez, the Hyenite soldiers started retreating on their own volitions. Though their swords had fought for them and their shields protected them, the Hyenite dropped whatever they held and ran from the field of battle.

"Where're you ru—" The Hyenite commander was struck by an arrow to his neck, where it remained as he fell from his land-dragon.

With the commanders slowly dying like flies, the Mezite soldiers' mass retreat were left unimpeded and the blob of Hyenites ran away from the victorious humans.

"For the King! For Sanddoll!" A common human soldier proudly yelled, raising his bloodied sword at the sky.


"For Sanddoll!"

His fellow compatriots followed his lead and raised their swords, yelling proudly and victoriously in unison. As they yelled whilst staring at the sky, a large number of crushed stone projectiles flew above. Following its flight, the soldiers saw those numerous stone projectiles successfully striking the retreating blob of Hyenite soldiers.

A red mist suddenly exploded and expanded along the distance and fields before them. Followed by further victorious yelling of the human soldiers.

They turned around and saw the gargantuan weapons of war, courtesy of their fearsome ally, the Imperium of Roda. It was the War Golems, standing in all its glory, a lofty and awe-inspiring weapon of boulder and stone, powered entirely by the mana of their skilled human Mages. It was a fitting weapon for a superior race like Humans.

After this massacre, labeled as a battle by both sides. The entirety of the Kingdom of Mez's western regions were occupied by the Sanddolian Kingdom. Who trampled on the bountiful fields and meadows of the land, killing whatever beastmen they saw, be it younglings or adults, the weak or the strong, the sick or the healthy. There was no discrimination when it came to killing mere beasts.

Taking camp at an abandoned town, the 4th Armi Hegemus, under the command of Marquis Mallard, celebrated victory against the devilish beastmen. As his army paraded through the streets and the Banners of Sanddoll were risen for all to see.

He quietly took shelter in the tallest building in the town, dull and dirty as what he had expected among the nations ruled by beastmen. Surveying the town from his window, Marquis Mallard could very much affirm that the houses were mostly made from wood or hay, crudely and poorly built like the uncivilized brutes they were.

In fact, during their entrance to the town, several corpses of Hyenites were spotted on the ground, lifeless. Their cause of death was that they were trampled. Presumably, they all attempted to flee eastwards upon learning of the human armies crossing the border. Sadly enough, it was their own brethren that killed them, not the humans. Laughable.

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