Chapter 9: The Kingdom of Sanddoll

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Northern Region of Witlzen, Kingdom of Sanddoll—
Seisslamndar 16, 1357 FT; 6:17 AZ—

The early sun was just about to rise for the new day, and a frigid wind gently caressed the skin of the nearby local soldiers. They overlooked the massive ocean before them, watching the scenic view as they tightly held their weapons and calmly rested beside their wagons.

Then, from the horizon, a silhouette appeared, that of a ship that came from the horizon. Seeing this, the men who once rested now moved with haste. Going to the wagon's load and unloading several chests and bags to the ground.

Almost an hour passed and the ship finally arrived at the shoreline, a massive wooden hull stood idly before them. Its massive sails and oars are fearsome as one could tell. It then dropped a small ramp where a group of 3 armored soldiers slowly descended to meet the local men, who were lightly armored and armed.

"The Imperium sends its regards." The soldier in the middle spoke, wearing an iron helmet with transversely mounted plumes that signified his rank. "You possess what we seek?"

"O-of course, Lord Centurion." The men bowed, even though they were of different nations. Respect to the civilized and powerful is only natural. "We have brought our end. 350,000 Denars."

The Centurion smacked his lieutenant's banded armor, who responded immediately with straightening his back and promptly running back to the ship. Now, those that stood on the ramp were the centurion and his standard-bearer, which showcased the Imperium of Roda's Standard and the fleet they served.

Eventually, his lieutenant returned and promptly shouted. "All load is ready to be unloaded!"

Before the local soldiers could enter further into the Rodese ship, the Centurion suddenly hugged the commander of the local soldiers before promptly whispering into his ear.

"You best make use of them properly; They are not cheap... Both in making, maintaining, and transporting. You best understand that, barbarian."

The local soldier meekly replied, not daring to look into the centurion's eyes. "O-of course, Lord-Centurion. We will make use of it properly."


Noble Advisory Chamber, Royal Palace, Capital City of Issles, Kingdom of Sanddoll—
Seisslamndar 17, 1357 FT; 11:03 AZ—

The Royal Capital of Issles stood as the most luxurious and wealthiest of human cities within the continent of Draschella. It was built from the highest quality materials, its colorful and vibrant townhouses that were neatly erected and arranged for the city's continuous development were populated by all inhabitants living in the city. Even the poorest of commoners lived in the townhouses that were almost equivalent to a noble's mansion in the countryside.

Showing their authority and achievements, stood the Royal Castle of Sanddoll. Built atop a hill and protected by two-layered walls which were routinely patrolled. It was a well-defended castle which disabled even the greatest of rebellions or enemies from daring to even touch the royal family.

However, underneath the façade of beauty, wealth, and egality rested the graves of thousands of beastmen slaves. Their tears, sweat, and blood made the great human city of issles— a reality.

Within the confines of the Royal Palace that overlooked the entire capital was the Noble Advisory council. Located in their designated chamber, the group of noblemen sat on a wooden round table and discussed matters of state with both the Crown Prince and the reigning king of the kingdom.

"Your Royal Majesty, it is the fifth time this month that those wretched trash from Mez has crossed the border!" One of the councilors yelled. "When will we show them the consequences?!"

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