Chapter 5: Negotiations

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Military Port, Northern Naval Headquarters, Port City of Louba, Electorate of Presyop—

Polamdar 17, 1357 FT; 10:38 FZ—

It was the early morning on the Port City of Louba, the residents remained ever-so anxious as across their little town, rested a fearsome fleet right on the horizon. Not to mention, the military port had been housing one of those metallic ships right near their town.

"Hear ye! Hear ye! Human nation initiates Diplomacy!"

"—Has the Noble-Mayor of Louba committed treason!? An army lies across their horizon!"

"—Louba houses humans! Are we going to be sold?! Are we going to be butchered!?"

Immediately, once word got out, it indeed had spread like wildfire across Presyop. Local cryers ran en masse towards their duties. It had been so long that a human nation had not only entered their country, but were also attempting to start diplomatic contact.

Naturally, there were those that rejected such a notion and immediately launched protests against the humans. Currently, the Military port was surrounded by protesters who were kept in line by armed guards of the Headquarters.

Inside one of the guest rooms, Commodore Salvacion watched from his window the slowly increasing number of protesters. It was the first time he had seen exactly a protest of a foreign country, less so from non-humans. Normally it was them that did diplomatic protests, not their future partners.

"Commodore." Alvin suddenly entered with a hoarse voice, walking towards a nearby desk with a small wooden bowl filled with water. Which he then used to wash his hands and face. "...Up early?"

"I'm a military man. What more do you expect?" He shifted his eyes towards the protesters outside the port's gate. "Is this normal? Will the mission continue as is?"

"Nations have their own problems, Commodore." Alvin said while washing his face. "I've read some of their history books. Their neighboring nation, a human-dominated kingdom, Sanddol, the crimes they commit makes Germany and Japan look like child's play. Genocide, mass torture, mass rape, enslavement, live experimentation, disgusting amounts of abuse. The usual historical crimes, it'll make the nations in our world a run for their money. Now, I'm wondering how the top brass will react with this information."

Salvacion turned towards Alvin with widened eyes and a shocked expression, however Alvin spoke with calm and ease, almost like a psychopath.

"Don't look at me like that, to each nation their own." Alvin continued. "Now, while I'm not a biased person, their historical books do state cross-examined facts. In particular, a stolen Sandollian book, stated that those crimes were simply done because those that befalled it weren't exactly called or viewed as humans. The same way we don't view others as the same as ours."

Salvacion pulled his uniform's collar, slowly becoming uncomfortable with what he had just heard. The way Alvin just spoke with ease shook him, he more or less, expected Alvin to atleast hesitate when saying those words. He was a military person, indeed, drilled to the bone for war. Yet, what he was hearing wasn't war per se, it was more like a psychopath's confession.

"Anyways." Alvin fixed his tie, collar, and lapel caressing his face for dirt. "We have a meeting with the Home Minister and their delegation at 1 PZ, or 1 PM. I'll be practicing and re-reading the documents, you should too."

Alvin would soon proceed to exit the room leaving no more than a distraught Salvacion, he returned his gaze from the door, back to the protesters which was a mix of adults and children. He then recalled what Alvin had just said to him prior. To each nation to their own.

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