Chapter 14: From Philippines with Love

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5th Fleet, Flagship: BRP-Lubuagan, Louban Coast, Republika ng Pilipinas
December 11, 2041; 6:32 AM—

The aircraft marshaller stood before the F-35B of the Lubuagan's carrier wing. Along the flight deck of the Lubuagan, the F-35B slowly taxied itself to its position. After gesturing various procedures to the aircraft's pilot, the marshaller ran to the side and soon signaled for its takeoff.

The pilot then activated the F-35B's vertical and short takeoff and landing mode. With its engines roaring, the pilot immediately turned on its afterburner and increased the thrust of the aircraft. It steadily ran along the deck, increasing in speed as its exhaust spewed its invisible inferno.

In a matter of seconds, the F-35B gained enough thrust that it launched before it even reached the end of the deck. Seeing it launch, the carrier's flight deck crew immediately clapped and celebrated with success. While the officers and crew located within the island took a sigh of relief.

After a few minutes of celebration, the elevator revealed another F-35B being slowly sent to the flight deck. Seeing this, the flight deck crew finished their celebrations and jubilation before they prepared for their next launch.

— It was the first time a Filipino carrier sortied a fighter jet with clear offensive intent and not merely training simulations. Their efforts at training weren't in vain, though, as they continuously prepped more F-35B's for flight.


City of Peot'ree, Kingdom of Sanddol
Desembar 11, 1357 FT; 7:54 AZ—

Here rested the Sanddollian city of Peot'ree, a few miles from the border with Presyop. Due to the war, it has become a major base of operations for the Sanddollian army, housing the 3rd Armi Hegemus. Although it was more crowded than usual, the local citizens didn't have much concern. More soldiers meant more visitors and buyers for their local market, along with more security.

Within the city's walls, was the Lord-Mayor's mansion, surrounded by iron fences. It was where the headquarters of the 3rd Armi Hegemus rested. Its grounds were populated by numerous horses and armed guards who routinely patrolled the area.

However, one thing stuck out from the usual horses and soldiers. It was a light oak carriage parked within its grounds, with the crest of a nobleman engraved on its door.


Inside the mansion's study were two individuals speaking privately. One was seated behind a desk populated by documents and papers, while the other stood in attention.

"What the hell do you mean the Armi Hegemus of the 2nd decree has been decimated!" Viscount Justor shouted in shock.

"T-that is true, M'lord." His adjutant spoke meekly, unable to even look into his superior's eyes. "Our scouts in the reclaimed territories have spotted stragglers from the 2nd Armi Hegemus. They all state that the Presyopians possessed mythological Iron Dragons raining hellfire upon them."

"U-unbelievable!" Viscount Justor slammed his hand on the table and cleared his desk of everything, from maps and documents to even the candles. "You expect me to believe that?! Even a cattle's dung smells better than that!"

"N-no, sir."

"How is that even possible, then!" Viscount Justor covered his face in embarrassment. "That gluttonous bastard. Strategist my ass."

Currently, the Supreme Commander of all the Sandollian Armi Hegemus decrees, otherwise known as the subjugation army, was Viscount Justor. A prominent nobleman in Sanddol, who himself was heavily favored by the new king, as seen by his position.

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