Chapter 2

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After that interaction, Luz ran back home. Once she was inside, she caught her breath and looked around. Her mother must've been in her room, so she locked the front door and made her way to her bedroom. Once she was there, Luz changed into something more comfortable and turned off the lights. She yawned as she went to her bed and lay down. She looked up at her glow-in-the-dark stars and reached out to them. Imagine them as the real ones that were covered by the clouds in the sky that night. Her eyes sagged slightly as she lowered her hand from the ceiling. Trying not to think about her father at that moment. She wiped the tears from her eyes as she turned over. Telling herself not to cry any more than she already had in the past. She had to stay strong, just like her mother told her. It was obvious that she missed her father, and her mom did. He wasn't just a nobody who brought her life there or just someone there in the glistening background. That was her father. Someone who's been there and didn't leave anyone behind. Yet in the end, the good man passed on, like most things. Over time, Luz and her mother somehow made things work after some time. It wasn't easy, but things go on with time. It has to at some point, she thought. By then, Luz turned over to her side and closed her tired eyes. I am attempting to get some rest for the night if any at all. Slowly but surely, the night slips down and away for now. Reality fades to black, and Luz lulls into a sleep like no other.

~~ ✦⁺˚⋆。°✩₊~~

There was nothing but light in this place. The kind of light you'd see whenever you have your first memory of a sunrise or of a satisfying sunset that just fits perfectly. The nonexistent air of this place never felt clearer. It took Luz a moment to get herself together, feeling the cooling water trying to take her under like it did every time. The tides are always threatening to pull her under. On the other side, She hoisted herself onto her feet and caught her breath. Looking around, I find familiarity with the in-between. There are many colors here. Once she was up, she wasn't allowed to go back down just yet. So she began to walk. Slowly and carefully through what seemed like a swamp of memories of the day. It was a strange yet familiar place, to say the least. Whether it was comforting or not it didn't seem to matter now. It all depended on where she was and if it was safe enough to cross over. It's different here than it was back in the real world. Even still, it all felt too real, yet too soon.

Sometimes Luz ends up in the in-between, where she is now. Other times, she would find herself in what she called the dreamscape. The place where dreams or nightmares come and go. Only coming to life within her like magic. Maybe it was magic; maybe it was just another game her mind tried to play. If magic isn't real, then none of this is. Whenever she found out that only she could be here and there all at once, she met the crazy theorist guy. She didn't know if it was real or not until she crossed into one of that guy's dreams, something Luz would never do again. The things she saw, she could never unsee. Seriously, that guy was more than a fanatic about the unreal; he got it all wrong. Even then, it was all just a test, of course, to see if it was all in her head or not. Knowing her mother, she wouldn't believe her if she just went out and said it like that. She would just think that Luz was in her head again. Keeping out of touch with reality was her specialty at times. In the end, it was real. Only to be called an 'alien species' who tried to probe his brain from the inside out. Like aliens would even go near him, she thought. By then, that was when her mother finally came clean with her, telling her that her father had the same thing. Though from that, it only left her with more questions than answers.

Now, however, it was normal to be one with the in-between. She looked around and saw many places and people's memories in different shades of green and yellow. Yet the memories and scenes played out like it was a mini-movie of sorts. Like a personal theater that stared at the person in question. In nothing but the minds of others. She saw those days and looked back upon them. Her own life now has others alongside it. She lifted her hands and took hold of one, looking at it for a moment before letting go of it. I did this for a few of them, just looking around. That was before she came across a peculiar one. It was about a girl around her age with light green hair, dyed hair, and yellow eyes. Strangely enough, she had the same ears as Eda did and small triangular earnings. It must have been either a cosplay choice or just a unique thing they were born with. The girl was seen wearing a uniform of sorts. Luz, being curious as she is, was about to look through it. She only got to the point where the pretty yet strange girl drew a circle in the air. Everything was going well until she felt something latch onto her ankle, trying to pull her under. Out of surprise, Luz screamed out, holding onto the cube for dear life as she was dragged down under the surface. She held onto the cube with one arm and reached out her other arm out of desperation.

"W-wait! No, stop!" she screamed, "Let me go! Someone! Anyone! Help me-" 

Her screams, however, fell on deaf ears. Her voice was of no use as she was dragged to the other side. Getting cut off by what lies below. Luz is now being left struggling to resurface with all her might. She soon lost her strength, feeling the weight of the clear water-like substance overcome her. She held her breath as she looked at the memory again. She couldn't see much, but the strange girl on the other side seemed stressed about something. I just saw writing in a diary of sorts. Knowing better, Luz eventually lets go of the cube, letting it float back up while she is left sinking. Down those depths, she finally reached a surface point. Whatever was on her ankle was gone for now. Now on a dry surface. Luz caught her breath and looked around herself. She quickly stood up and backed away from the water she used to stand perfectly in. She looked around, visibly confused. Usually, no one is here. Ever. In any case, she was unaware of anyone around this place.

"Hello?" she called out, "Whoever is there, I- um, I don't mean any harm!" 

In the end, the girl was met with nothing but the echo of her voice, like before. She walked around, noticing that this didn't look like the in-between. This felt nothing like it. Above her was a sun symbol on one side of the place and a moon symbol on the other side of it. In a mix of that, there was a version of the galaxy and stars above as well. She blended the colors well enough to the point where she couldn't tell if it was day or night. The place itself seemed vast and spacious. Hills that went up and down to one side or the other. Luz walked around aimlessly, in wonder and curiosity. Was this what freedom felt like? She wondered to herself. It was safe to say that it was a remarkable place to be. That was until she heard something—laughter. Luz stopped at her place and looked around. Confused about the sudden change? Then the ground beneath her started rumbling. The ground under her feet shook like an earthquake and then cracked like grass. Rightfully alarmed, Luz took off on her feet. Now too far from the familiar water, she fell once again. Screaming out as she tried to reach out for something to grab. Her hand barely sweeps past a stable part of the crumbling ground. She was left thinking that she was just going to fall for a while. Only to feel herself floating up. She looked around wildly for answers, the laughter growing louder. Only felt a presence behind her, chuckling like a child gone mad. The sudden presence caused a shiver to go down her spine.

"We are going to have so much fun together! Just me and you, human!" Then the voice paused, heading nothing but a small whisper as it said, "Or should I say...dreamer?"

Luz froze as the child-like voice said this. After a brief second, she ended up looking over her shoulder for a moment to see who it was. Her eyes widened in fear and confusion as the laughter continued to echo and ring in her ears. Her perception was not able to see them well enough, so she tried blinking. Again and again, she tried. Only making the presence look more like a discarded memory. or like a blurred photo. All she could see was a cloaked figure. With the sun and moon symbols and tiny stars along them. She took a step back as she looked at the person, or tried to anyway. Her breathing hitched out of sheer panic as she shouted.

"Wait! Who are you?! Why can't I see you? Please! Just stop this!"

Yet again, too many questions, yet so little time for answers. It only got worse as she screamed and begged for the voice to silence itself. An unknown weight fell upon her as she fell upon her knees and covered her ears. The laughter only got louder and louder as it continued for what felt like an eternity.

"I don't want to play with you! Just leave me alone!-"

This didn't feel real. It didn't feel right; none of this felt right at all. She wanted to wake up from whatever sick dream, nightmare, or whatever this was. She wanted to go out and stay out. She had questions for days. She just wanted to know what was going on here. Was this supposed to happen? If so, what did it mean? All she could do at the moment was scream and shout until her voice felt raw with an unexplained emotion. Wanting to make the taunting voice shut up. Too many questions, too few answers.

~~ ✦⁺˚⋆。°✩₊~~

(A/N: Well I got a laptop for Christmas so now I can edit this thing how I want it to be. Merry Christmas and/or happy holidays wherever you are. I hope you all are having a great time and if not that's okay too. Thanks for stopping by and reading this, expect more to come! So I wish for you all to have a splendid day/night ~ 💜)

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