Being Shipped Off To The Big Apple

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"You what!?" I exclaimed almost choking on my dinner.

"We decided to move you to New York." My stepmother plastered a fake smile on her face.

"Yes sweetie, I agreed with Linda that this would be a great idea. That way you can be more independent." He smiled encouragingly.

"I don't care if New York offers me all the independence in the world, I'm not going!" I said firmly.

"You have no choice Kayla." My dad sternly changing his facial expression to neutral. "I booked your flight and Linda packed your bags, kindly offered. Thanks Linda. Anyway your leaving tomorrow night." He said getting up taking his plate to the kitchen.

"What you can't just ship me to New York!" I exclaimed in disbelief. I didn't have a doubt in my mind that this was probably my stepmothers idea, but my dad agreeing!? That was the shocking part, what kind of brainwashing did she do to my father?!

"Don't think of it like that. Think of it as us letting you stand on your own two feet." Linda grinned at me in such pleasure.

"Wait what about where I'm going to live, how am I going to stand on my own two feet without any money?! How will I feed myself, huh, did you think of that Linda?!" I asked cleverly thinking that they didn't think of such things.

"You'll be staying in Vivian Arrington Luxurious Apartments. You'll love it there. We'll get your bills and will pay for everything." She said almost reassuringly.

I breathed in then I breathed out. I hunched my back and lowered my head. "I know what your playing at, bitch. I hope your happy now, you skank ass hoe." I whispered to her, she clearly heard me as her face expression had clearly turned to shocked. I got up and stormed up to my room. I opened the door and noticed suitcases by my wardrobe. Two big suitcases were packed, and ready to go. What on earth could she have packed? It doesn't matter now because I had some phone calls to make. I called all of my bestest friends Riley, Paisley, Josh and Adam, telling them the news. They were all shocked and planned a last day together tomorrow, we'd go walk on the beach and around places just talking and to say our farewells properly, because doing it on the phone isn't enough.

*The Next Day*

We had just finished our amazing day. And were all very emotional at this point, we started to walk to my place, we reached the corner to my house and I just stopped there to say our goodbyes. "I'm going to miss you so much." Riley sobbed practically in tears. I started to cry as well. "I'll miss you too." I said not knowing what else to say, still in tears. We hugged and the I moved on to the next person. "We'll stay in touch. Don't forget me girl." Paisley said. She wasn't crying but her eyes looked watery. Paisley was the kind of girl who didn't like people to see her cry, she was a very strong person. We hugged it out also. "I'm so not going to miss you!" Adam said jokily chuckling. "Not funny." I said through sobs punching his arm. "I'm only kidding with ya! I'll miss ya teddy bear." Adam said sincerely, now being somewhat serious which was very rare with him. He always called me teddy bear for some reason, first it was just to annoy me then it grew on me, the nickname I mean. He gave me a bear hug and patted my back a little too hard making me nearly lose my balance.

"Hey, don't cry." Josh said softly. I was now sobbing more than ever.

"We better go, see ya." Paisley said all of them leaving me and Josh alone on purpose. Me and Josh had a special relationship. We were like the relationships where you liked them, but became really close friends, then realised you both liked each other than went out, somehow it ended and I think we developed our feelings for each other again, well at least I did. It was hard leaving him the most. No offence to Riley and Paisley and Adam, me and Josh were just closer together in an unexplainable way.

"I can't not cry." I said sniffing. I'm pretty sure I looked like a snotty troll with tears by now but Josh didn't look in any way disgusted. "Hey hey hey. It'll be ok." He said softly grabbing my chin and bringing me up to his eyes. I sniffed and managed to pull myself together. "I'll never forget you." He said sweetly, smiling his irresistible smile.
"Stop it!" I said in a whiney tone. "Stop what?" "Stop making it harder for me to leave you." I said. He chuckled his body vibrating against mine. He then met my gaze. There was a silent moment then he leaned in and we kissed. "Sorry." He muttered nervously after we broke apart. "This is the last thing I should be doing right now." he said regrettably. I frowned . "You better go, I don't want you to miss your flight. Bye Kayla, I'll miss you." He gave me an awkward hug and a kiss on the forehead than walked away awkwardly. I would of stayed watching him walk away but if I didn't hurry now I wouldn't make my flight.

So I rushed into my house, got changed and took my suitcases. My dad drove me to the airport. Then he handed me my ticket, passport, birth certificate (just in case I needed it), driving license, and an envelope full with a wad load of cash. "Call me when you get there. Bye sweetie." He gave me his famous dad hug and finally let me go. I ran to the check-in and was told directions of where my gate would be. I gave her my two suitcases and kept my carry on bag with me running to the gate. I made it there successfully and climbed into the plane finding a seat. I then buckled in and soon the plane took off.

Author's Note: a Hey guys, I hope you guys like my new story. Thank you kirstt_doy for inspiring me with the idea of this book. I hope you don't mind😅. More to come soon.

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