Getting Settled In

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I got off the flight and instantly felt the cold breeze of New York. I automatically knew that my clothing was not going to be suitable for this place. I scurried down the flight stairs and into the building. After getting passed the line where they check your passport and ticket and I got to the suitcase-collection place and managed to get my two suitcases. I then went outside to the front of the building and hailed a cab, to Vivian Arrington's Luxurious Apartments. I reached my correct building and could instantly see that this place was quite pricey. The outside design was a big tall building, with a rectangular entry with doors, its main colour was grey and big clean windows with white sills. When I got out of the cab I looked up and I couldn't get my head to see the top, because it was that tall. My neck started to hurt so I brought my head back to normal and marched into the reception.

I told the man my name and he assigned me a credit card like key, and pass to let me go anywhere around the building. Except the staff room though. I signed some papers and when I was done he then pressed his gold counter bell and a bell boy came up. He looked quite young around my age and was very cute, with broad shoulders, and muscled arms, with his messy dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes he was quite hot in the simple white t-shirt, black blazer, black jeans, and white vans. I looked at his nametag and mentally read Zander Douglas. "Would you like some help Ms Hampton?" Zander asked politely. His voice was deep but yet not too deep, it was soft, but yet still muscular and very dreamy. "Um... Sure..." I mumbled nervously. He grabbed my two suitcases and waited for me to lead the way. I walked nervously to my room and slid the card like key into the door. It opened and I had the first look of my new place. I may not of wanted to move here but this place wasn't making things so bad.

I stepped aside and let the man in and told him to put the suitcases in one of the bedrooms, which were 4 such rooms! I looked at the hallway which was simple and clean, the walls had 4 doors which led to different places, I just didn't know what because I needed to explore them. The man left and I began my exploring, I first opened the door on my left and saw that it was the laundry room which was pretty big. There was a expensive looking washing machine and a bag of Persil. I walked out of that room and headed to the one across from the door. I stepped in where marble counters were a lined on the wall into a curve, there was an oven in the middle and a electrical stove at the end of the curve. There was then a not too big white marble table in the middle. I was assuming it was where you would eat at the table and that I needed to get chairs.

I then saw that there was a door next to the beginning of the marble counters which I opened and saw a big empty room with beige carpet covering all the floor. The walls were white and bare. There was one wall that wasn't even a wall it was all window and had a view of the town and was a great place to see the city lights at night. I made a mental note to get curtains, there was then another door at the other side across from the one that lead me to this room, so the room had a door on the left and right.

I opened the door and walked into a long room. With a mirror covering a whole rectangular wall and polished floorboards. This room confused me because what on earth was I going to do with it. I then went back through the door I came in and ended up back in the empty carpeted room. I then stepped into the door and went to the kitchen. Then I went back into The hallway. I then went into the third door which was next to the second, seeing that it was a bedroom since it had a white walk in wardrobe but nothing else, except peachy carpets that covered all the floor and a simple shower room, then there was a door on the side of the bedroom that lead to another room, with a personal shower and walk in wardrobe and I kept going through doors on the side till I got to a dead end all the rooms had a personal shower and toilet and walk in wardrobe, but like I said before there were 4 bedrooms.

I than went back to the hallway and went into the last door, which was another bathroom but bigger with a fancier shower and toilet and cabinet on the wall. But the other personal shower rooms had cabinets on the wall too. I then realised I had no bed or blankets to sleep on or any water, electricity, and broadband box. All the essentials. I was going to kill my dad tomorrow. I opened my front door to go down to reception then I bumped into someone. "Oops... Sorry." I said embarrassingly. The girl I bumped into was scanning me up and down smirking. She was in a big coat, beanie, black plants, and boots. She was clearly dressed appropriately and reminded me of how cold I am. I shivered a little. "You're not around from here I can see." She smirked.

"How could you tell?" I asked.

"Your clothing says it all. I'm Hailey. I was born a New Yorker." She says kindly. "So where do you live?" She asked.

"Right there." I point to my door.

"Wow! What a coincidence I'm right across from you. Hello neighbour." She said chuckling lightly. "Well, I'm very tired from a long day, how about you knock on my door when you wake up and we can chat and stuff then. Yeah?" She says sighing due to tiredness.

"Sure. I'm very tired too. Goodnight neighbour." I yawn and walk back to my apartment and so does Hailey. When I then lean against the front door I realise I still have no mattress or blankets. Guess I'm sleeping on the floor tonight.

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