A Turn In The Story

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*******Hailey's PoV********

The next morning I got a phone call. It made my day. I couldn't believe that... I just couldn't. I called school that I was sick and headed down to the hospital. I asked for the patient and the lady kindly directed me to the patients room. I walked in with flowers and A big Teddy Bear holding a heart in its hands. Which you could always remove, if you wanted to just snuggle with it. "Kayla! Omg I heard the news." I said cheerily, tears welling up in my eyes.
"I know I told them to call you." She laughed. I missed that.

"I missed you so much." I said sincerely hugging her trying so hard not squeeze the life out of her and the baby. "So when is the baby due?"
"A week. I can't believe I made it. And that everything will be ok." She said astounded at her recovery. I was astounded at her recovery. I can't believe she was ok! I thought I was going to lose her. And even when she was alive in the hospital it felt like I already lost her, and oh how I missed her dearly.
"So catch me up on all the gossip before we leave." She said smiling a true genuine smile I haven't seen on her in ages.

"Ok well Zander has hooked up with this new blonde chick. Ugh, I hate her. She's just so fake! And nothing even close to how wonderful you were." I said but Kayla frowned. "Don't be sad. Zander doesn't know what he's missing." I said.

"Really?" She asked hopefully.

"Yes really." I said sincerely.

"So how's Derek?" She asked teasingly which made me blush bright red.

"Well he tried to kiss me when I just ran out from basically screaming at Zander. But I backed away because I was too upset and missed you too much to start something like that with him so. I kind of ruined my chance... Just a smidge." I said adding emphasis on 'smidge'.

"Really now?" She laughed sarcastically. "It's ok he doesn't know what he's missing." She well said.

"Why thank you?" I laughed. We chatted and gossiped and she then lazily got up and held her ginormous belly and waddled to the reception and checked out. She was so big! Like huge! Literally. This baby must of been big! She waddled all the way to my car and gawped at it when she saw it. "I know right. Only the best for me." I said pleased at my car. She laughed and then walked in. "Oh God, I feel sick." Kayla said looking not so good. "Oh God please don't tell me you have to go back to the hospital early. I really missed you." I said in a whiney tone. "No it's not that bad. I feel like throwing up." She said as if that made sense.

"That's better because..." I asked still not getting it.

"Ok let me SPELL it out for you. Being pregnant isn't a ride in funtown. When your pregnant you get pains in your feet, and get horrible headaches, and throw up a lot." Kayla said getting impatient and looking sicker by the minute.

"Oh.... That makes sense." I said now understanding and calming down.

"Could you GET me out of this car before I puke all over it." She said through gritted teeth, clenching the inside of the door. I then took that as a sign she was going to throw up any second now. I rushed out of my door and opened her door. Thank God I opened the door because she puked all over the floor. I gagged a little then went back to the drivers seat and buckled in. I waited for Kayla to finish puking then she closed the door and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "So that's how it's like to be pregnant, huh?" I asked her.

"Yes, yes it is indeed." She said. She then took out the seat belt and tried to buckle herself in but she had to continuously keep stretching out the belt. "Sweet Mother of Jesus I'm fat." She said then burst out in laughter. "Yes you are." I agreed then burst out laughing myself. I then drove us to McDonalds and smiled deviously. "Seriously you bring a nearly 9 month pregnant lady to McDonalds." She said in a seriously tone.
"Come on I know you've been craving their fries." I said.

"Now I am. Well don't just sit there open my door and let us go to McDonalds.

"Sure." I smiled mischievously and opened her car door, and helped her out. We then went into McDonalds.

*****A Week Later***** *****Kayla's PoV****

I couldn't sleep as I could feel this sharp pain in my belly. I woke and saw that it was 4 a.m. I breathed in and out to calm myself. I then wet the bed, but not with pee. I knew that my water broke and it was time. And it was the due date. 7th of June. Just on time. I had a weird sense of Déjà vu as I carefully descended my bed and banged on Hailey's door loudly. She opened the door faster then the last time this happened and looked concerned. "The baby is coming." I said filling in the dots for her. She calmed down a little and called the ambulance. She then helped me downstairs and outside the building and the ambulance was there waiting. They took over and carried me in, Hailey following me behind. When I was in a gurney inside the ambulance van Hailey took my hand and tried to calm me down and said soothing words to me.

She would tell me to breath in and out, that we were nearly there and so on. It felt like this ambulance ride was taking forever. After what felt like forever we finally reached the ambulance and I was soon being rolled into an emergency room to deliver the baby. I was then surrounded by house wives who told me to calm down and push. They would count down from 5 and then say push. Then they would start again and again. Till I could feel this body start sliding through me.

After the baby had finally come out I was exhausted. I could hear the baby crying. They took the baby to a special room to evaluate it then came back with my baby all positive. And all through this Hailey was by my side. This is why I loved her so much. She was always there for me. Always. I finally got to hold my baby. It gurgled and looked amazed at my face. Feeling my face with its tiny fingers. "Is it a girl or a boy?" Hailey asked me. "It is a girl." I said happily admiring the little being I was holding in my arms. "What are you going to name her?" Hailey asked me.
"Arabella." I said knowing that this was the right name for her. "I love it." Hailey agreed.

******2 DAYS LATER*****

"Ready to go?" Hailey asked me. She came to pick me up in the morning because I could finally leave the hospital.

"Yes." I smiled. I was in a grey sweater with a tank top underneath, black leggings and grey UGGs on. The baby was in a onesie with a ballerina on it. And was covered in a lot of blankets. I put the baby in the black holder that Hailey kindly bought for her and we were off. We reached my place then settled in, Hailey holding her while I made her some baby food. When all of a sudden I heard a knock on the door. Instantly Arabella started crying so I took her from Hailey's arms and rocked her while I went to the door. I opened it and was instantly shocked. "Josh?"

Author's Note: BTW Josh is the guy Kayla had a relationship with back in California then broke up but started to like each other but had to say goodbye. I bet ya you probably thought Kayla was dead. And you'll probably think that is not possible that she is alive but it actually is. Because all Hailey said was that she MISSED her. Not that she was dead. Kayla was just terribly sick and now was well again. And if you don't believe me and believe I said something else that said that she was dead, you can read over the last chapter and see that Hailey never said she was dead. She said she MISSED her. Yes I did use my clever word play.

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