My Terrific Amazing Happy Life

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I woke up to see a sleeping Zander next to me. I was in his arms against his chest. For a few minutes I just listened to him breathing. Then I stroked his cheek gently. He started to wake and then opened his eyes and instantly. I kissed him.
"I can't wait to wake up to that every morning." He said.
"Me too." I giggled. I got up and wore his long grey shirt that went just past my ass. I giggled and felt like a teenager again, but oh how I was far from that! I walked straight into Hailey's across the hall.
"Tell me everything!" Hailey said dramatically.
I raised my hand with the ring on it. "Please tell me that's what I think it is!" She said jumping up and down with joy.
"Yep, he proposed!" I screeched jumping up and down too.

******30 Minutes Later******

"...and then he said would you please marry me?!" I said excitedly.
"Omg, girl we got lots and lots to plan for the wedding!" Hailey giggled. "Lucky bitch."
"Yes your lucky bitch." I smiled at her then we burst into laughter.
"Can you guys keep it down, people are trying to sleep here!" Bella said coming into the kitchen making herself coffee.
"I'm getting married!" I screamed and raised my finger. She instantly opened her eyes and ran over to my ring.
"Oh my God!" She screeched.

*****9 Months Later*****

I stayed right outside the door in my princess like wedding dress. It was simple and classic with a little lace and a flowing bottom. I held my flowers in my sweaty palms. "Ready sweetheart?" My dad asked grinning to himself. "Ready." I said taking one deep breath. This was a step I was going to have to make for the rest of my life. The door opened and I started walking, my maid of honour Hailey holding the back of my dress and a few new friends I made at school following in their peach dresses as my bridesmaids. And of course my beautiful Bella my flower girl and ring barer. I saw Zander by the altar looking smart with his best man by his side. ".....Now do you Zander Redrick take Kayla Steven's to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The man finally said.
"I do." He said.

"Do you Kayla Steven's-"
"I do." And I got muffled laughter from the crowd. We said our vows and put on each other's rings to the other. Then after some people did some speeches and after we headed to reception.

*******1 Year Later*******

"Bella could you get Tyrone?" I said looking for his milk bottle.
"Ugh! Fine." She huffed then got up lazily and rocked Tyrone to be quiet. I made Tyrone's milk and took him from Bella.
"Hey Hailey!" I said seeing her walk through my door.
"Hey. How's Tyrone?" She asked smiling at the baby in my hands.
"He's splendid I'm giving him his milk now." I said putting the bottle in his mouth. "How's Derek?" I asked giggling.
"Good, last night we had some fun in the bed, if you know what I mean." She raised her eyebrow.
"Ew! TMI Aunty." Bella said getting out of the kitchen to watch some more TV.
"She's just getting lazier!" We both said at the same time then laughing loudly after.
Then we talked and talked and caught up on stuff. I put Tyrone in his crib and he feel asleep so I left Bella with the baby and went out with Hailey.

******Later That Night******

I brushed my teeth then got into my white tank top and red and black chequered pyjama pants. I put my hair in a messy bun then put Tyrone to bed. "The baby sleeping?" Zander asked relaxing in the bed.
"Ya, why?" I asked getting in under the blanket.
"Because I wanna do this.." He said then kissing me affectionately. At first I was stunned but then I got into it and accepted him and kissed him back. He started kissing my neck going down and down my body kissing me all over. Then I pulled him by his shirt and brought him back to my lips. He wrapped his arms around me then we started kissing under the cover and the rest was history. God I loved Zander so much....

Author's Note: Thank you guys so so much for reading. I would like to thank kirstt_doy for always supporting me. Please check out our new account sonyaandkirstenbooks and read our books. Thank you guys, sorry for the kind of crappy chapter. And please stay tuned for my next book. Love you guys❤️ Mwah😘😘

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