Unbelievable Outcomes

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**Kayla's PoV**
We all reached a white caravan. I then hoped in and decided to get comfy cause this was my new home for a long while. I walked into a small bedroom and climbed to the top bunk bend. I sat down and just thought to myself, what on earth could Hailey be thinking right now. Was she going to keep my baby?
We had been on the road for a while and reached a small gas station so we stopped by and filled up the caravan. Then we headed inside the shop and looked around at the treats and drinks. "Here." Paisley whispered to me hiding it from the man at the counter, however he was looking suspiciously at us now. "W-what are you doing?!" I shrieked in a whisper. "Go pay for it." I said refusing the chocolate bar.
"Ya.. We have no money...." Paisley said. "Come on, please. We can share." Paisley begged.

"No, I'll steal my own." I gulped. I was so ashamed at myself. I could of at least thought to bring one of my dads debit cards. I really didn't like stealing and I never did it before, unless you count a few biscuits and chocolate from my house cabinets in California. When I was younger I used to nick some in my pocket and run up to my room and enjoy my extra treats. I quickly stuffed the bars in my hoodie pocket. "Hey! Put that back." The man said. Now my heart beat was raising fast. "Run!" Josh said. And so we did and sped off in the caravan quickly. Just in the nick of time.
"What's that?" I asked Adam, suspiciously. He had some white powder in his hand.
"Cocaine." He said then snorted it all up his nose. "Want some?"

***Hailey's PoV***
"She's still not answering." I told Arabella worriedly. Oh great now I was talking to a baby! 'If she doesn't get back by tonight then something is definetly wrong' I told myself.

****Late at Night****
Oh shit she's still not back. What's going on? I called the police and they came over right away. "She's average height. Brown hair. May have an after baby bump. She left just this afternoon and was never seen again." I informed the officers. They took notes and promised to look for her. I was getting worried. What about Arabella? Was I even going to consider being her new legal guardian?

I thought hard and hard last night. And I decided that I should keep her. But I shouldn't get attached because I'm sure Kayla would come back. I mean how could she leave Arabella. The only explanation is if she died, or got kidnapped. Oh crap now I was worried....

**Two Weeks**
"Look, how do I put this... Your friend is either dead or has run away." The man told me.
"What?" I asked so heartbroken. I can't believe that Kayla is either dead or ran away. And poor Arabella won't have a real mother anymore.
"So are you going to be the baby's guardian?" The police asked me.
"Ya.. I think I should. Someone who knew her mother would be good for her, so that when she grows up I can tell her what her mom was like."
"Great so I'll bring the papers on Wednesday." He said then left my apartment.
So basically Kayla was either dead somewhere or running away. Great just great.

****Kayla's PoV****
Yet again I thought about my daughter. I wondered how she was doing, was she ok, did Hailey keep her, what is Hailey up to? I shouldn't be thinking of this shit. Because that's in the past. Why did I care? I never seemed to be able to answer that question. "Hey, Riley pass me a cig." I asked Riley.
"Here." She lit me the cig and passed it.
"What is it this time?" I asked taking a puff, trying to let my worries go.
"Weed." She answered taking a puff herself.
"Nice." I smirked. Deep down, I was shivering in shame. How could I end up like this. Smoking cigs, getting high and drunk, and stealing. And all for what? The poor innocent little Kayla inside was now buried deep deep down inside me, I didn't even know if she was still there.

Author's Note: So what do you think of the new dark Kayla? What's gonna happen next. You'll have to wait and find out😂. Love you guys😘

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