A Taste Of The Big Apple

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I woke up and started to cringe due to the light coming from the sun. Yep I definitely needed curtains. I got up and walked sleepily to the kitchen, trudging along. I then reached my hand up in the air, and then I realised I had no cupboards! Then I looked down and I realised I needed lower ones as well. Ugh I'm going to kill my dad. I walked back into the room I picked, which was the first room and I got my phone from my purse. I then called my dad and he unfortunately picked up. (Why unfortunately? Unfortunate for him because I was going to murder him). "Hello." He said in his business-like tone. "Hello dad." I said, emphasis on dad. "Oh hey sweetie." He said cheerily. "Don't 'Hey sweetie' me." I said sternly. "Why what's wrong sweetie?" He asked as sweet as he could. I had a feeling he knew why I was like this. He knew  that he didn't put any furniture in, or electricity, lights, broadband, water, and more, you know just left them out, huh?

"I think you know. Seriously, you left out... em... that you didn't get this apartment ready for an arrival." I said the last part in a fast way, to show my annoyance.

"Em.." He began then cleared his throat. "I may have forgot about that sweetie." He said sounding as if he was a forgetful person, but he wasn't. Owning a company there was no excuse on forgetting stuff.

"Really dad!? How could you?! I had to sleep on the floor. The flippin' floor! I'm pretty sure I don't have enough money to get everything I need, because.. you em... kinda left out everything!" I whined to my father on the phone. I'm pretty sure I was throwing a tantrum, which I rarely did, believe it or not.

"Ok... ok. Calm down. I probably should've given you one of my debit cards... but. If you go to a bank nearby... you could em... give them my account number and ask them to make a card of it. Ok.. let me just look for it there." He started ruffling through papers and then told me his account number and his password. He then said bring your passport in case they want ID, and if they wanted to be safe and didn't trust me just call him and they can talk to him. So I wrote down the details I needed on my phone notes and then changed into a black tank top, sleeveless denim jacket, shorts with leggings (luckily I had leggings), and white converse. I then knocked on Hailey's door and she opened it. "Hey, come in." I clutched my bag and walked in. "So where you off to?" She asked, putting the kettle on.

"Em out..." I said.

"Where out? Would you like some coffee?" She said getting a mug, then pausing for my answer.

"Eh.. no thanks." I said politely. She continued making her coffee. I then noticed she was in clothes that looked like she was going out too. "Where are you off to?" I asked.

"I asked you first." She said in a childish tone, which then made me laugh.

"Ok ok. I'm going to look for a bank nearby. Now you?"

"I'm going out to do some errands." She then sat down next to me on the sofa and sipped a bit of her coffee. She then made a sound that sounded like it was a bit too hot. "Do you know where any bank is?" She asked.

"No. I-I'm sure I can find one." I said in a uncertain way. Inside I was desperately begging for her to offer to come and show me a bank, then we could go shopping for some furniture.

"One of my errands is coincidently updating my debit card, so why don't I come with you?" She offered. Inside I was bursting with joy.

"Eh... ya sure." I tried to hide my excitement and to stay cool, but it didn't work cause then she just burst out laughing. Then I started blushing out of embarrassment.

"Great. But you can not go out like that. It's freezing out there. Here you can borrow this, then we'll get you some better clothing." She threw a coat over to me and I successfully caught it. Hailey finished up her coffee and then we were off to the outside world, known as 'The Big Apple'.

"Thank you very much, ma'am." I thanked the lady for making the debit card and we then left the bank. "So what next?" I asked, linking my arm in Hailey's boldly. She may have looked at our arms strangely but didn't say anything about. 

"Em.. I don't know, do you have anything you need to do?" She asked.

"Eh ya!" I said in an over exasperated way. "You see, my dad basically did nothing, so I like have no bed, water, lights, curtains, you name it. There's so much to do." I explained.

"Oh God! First we need to get you a bed." She said in an 'OMG we need  to get you a bed' kind of way.

"Thank you! Ya bed first, I actually wanted to get that first, also we need to go grocery shopping, but not get too much just essentials, because I have no cupboards."

"OMG, we have alot of things to do for the next I don't know how many weeks." She said. I smiled because I loved it how she said 'we'.

"We?" I said in a cheery voice.

"Ya we." She said in a 'duh' kind of way.  I smiled. "Anyway, I know this good bed store, just 'round here." She started walking faster and we then soon reached 'Peaceful Sleeps'.

"OO!" I said. Everything looked nice. We first went to look for mattresses. We messed around though, jumping on the beds when no one was looking, we laughed and acted like children, it was so fun. I picked a soft king bed white mattress then we moved on to the pillows which wasn't so hard. I just picked two pillows. We then looked at some sheets. First we picked a elastic sheet, in case of some special accidents. Then I picked a white one to go over it, afterwards I picked a big inside sheet that was a picture of a big red rose then I picked the blanket sheet, which was another big red rose and I got matching pillow cases. We then requested it and would come back tomorrow to collect them with some muscle (I don't know how I was going to find) also since it was pretty dark to be lugging stuff and coming back for the rest and stuff. So we went home and was tired out from a satisfacting day.

"Hey, you can sleep on my couch if you want?" Hailey offered when she stood by her front door.

"Are you sure?" I asked shell shocked at her generosity.

"Ya." She nodded.

"Am I dreaming, because I didn't think New Yorkers were supposed to be so nice." I said jokily, she then laughed and opened the door. I then went into my apartment and changed into my PJ's and slept on Hailey's couch. What a day. 

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