My New Bed

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I woke up and it took me a few minutes to acknowledge where I was. My brain then clicked and I realised I was at Hailey's. I was then totally calmed down and after several minutes I finally got up and used the bathroom. I then walked into my apartment and changed into a white and blue striped long sleeved top, jeans, and ankle boots with Hailey's jacket on. We didn't get to go get me some clothes so it looks like this is my coat for a while, if Hailey didn't mind. I then headed down to the reception to talk to the landlord but bumped into Zander. "Oops sorry!" I said, feeling stupid inside. 'Who says oops?' I thought judgingly to myself. "Don't worry about." He said cooly. There was then a moment of silence. Then what silence felt like forever was finally broken by him "I better go. I have the day off, and I want to get away before Frank pulls me back just to do something 'quick'." He sighed. "Ya, well I wouldn't want you to end up doing work..." I laughed. He then was about to walk away when I just remembered something. "Hey, em.. Unless you've forgotten I kinda just moved in... And I need to get a lot of stuff and one of them is a bed. So you see me and Hailey need some muscle to help us carry all the things. Do you mind helping?"

"Well it was my day off...." He began. My face then fell then his started vibrating then he started to laugh. Next thing you know I started to blush.
"It's ok, I was just kidding." My face expression did not change, so he stopped laughing a little and just smiled. He then cupped my head with his hands and looked at me deeply. "Anything for you." He said softly. I felt like squealing with joy, I mean wasn't this a sign he liked me? Then the moment became silent and I finally moved and sighed. "I better wake Hailey. Eh... meet us here in 20 minutes." I afterwards walked to my apartment awkwardly, feeling tingly yet strange. I then woke Hailey and she then got dressed and had a little something to eat. We headed to the reception and met Zander there, who was already waiting.

We set off for Peaceful Sleeps and started looking for the kind of bed I would want. We needed to pick the model that would hold the mattress. I like the ones that had small draws underneath, it could be handy. You know some extra storage areas. I picked a big brown king bed model with draws underneath. We then got a huge box with all the parts in it. So me, Hailey and Zander managed to carry the box to my apartment. Then we headed back and got the pillows, blankets, blanket sheets, pillow cases and stuff. We lugged them to my apartment and then came back to do the final big job. Carrying the mattress. "Alright ladies step aside." Zander said cockily. He bent down and tried to lift the mattress. He made a sound of effort. Me and Hailey were trying so hard not to laugh. Biting our lips and trying to suppress giggles wasn't easy so we burst out laughing. "Hey, it's really heavy." He said defenceless.

"Aw is that a blush I see on the big macho Zander." Hailey said teasingly in a baby voice and pouted lips.

"No." Zander said turning away from us. I just laughed some more and then punched his arm.

"Come on it's funny. In our defence." I said. He then turned around and started chuckling himself.

"Fine I surrender your right." He put his hands up goofily. "Now can you help me with this mattress. Please." He sighed. I'm pretty sure it hurt him inside to ask for help from some girls. But whatever. We somehow managed to get the mattress up into my apartment and it was only afternoon. "Hey, eh I have a lot of other stuff to get. Like broadband water and such." I said looking at all the stuff that was in my room now. We still had to build the bed but I could sleep on the mattress for now. "Why don't we get the water and broadband." Zander agreed. We then head out and got the broadband plan and got the water plan. We headed back with 4 men to install the broadband and water. On the way we got 2 other electricity guys to install that. They were very pricey though the total was $4500. And then $3000 extra for installs plugs in many areas and extra extensional plugs. I gave them the money and they left. It was now dawn but many of the stores wouldn't close for another hour, so we headed down to a Curry's Pc World a few blocks away. We then went to the TV section. We looked for a good TV and picked a big Flat Screen, then we headed to the boxes and we got this fancy box that had YouTube and Netflix and Internet on it along with all the channels. I checked if it had ABC Family and thankfully it did. Because even my friends know how I couldn't survive without that show.

Satisfied we carried the TV to my apartment. Sadly we couldn't install since it was pretty late now. "Thanks guys. There's a lot more stuff to get though. Tomorrow I say we get Living room and Kitchen stuff." I said thinking strategically.

"Ya sure. Just after if we have time can we go head to a school bookstore, I need to get books for when school starts. You know College. I'm going State College. It's not Yale or anything but it's close to it. Are you going there?" Hailey said.

"I am. That's why I have a job here, to pay for it." Zander said smiling.

"Cool. Guess I'll see you there buddy!" She said giggling a little.

"Ya you I'll." Zander said smoothly.

"Actually I haven't applied to any college. Maybe I should. We should stop by there so I can apply. But anyways I better head to bed. Thanks for the help guys. See you tomorrow." I yawned. They let themselves out and I just dropped down on the mattress and fell asleep.

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