Missing Her

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***Hailey's PoV*** *****2 MONTHS LATER******

I woke up especially early today. I took a shower and got into the clothes I would wear for school today and set my backpack. I then decided to go into the apartment that Kayla would've of been in by getting the spare key Kayla put under her rug. I walked in and could still smell her. Which made me sad. I missed her so much. Everything seemed to constantly remind me of her and I would sometimes break into tears. I just missed her so much. I then walked back into my apartment and took my backpack and took my car to school. It was a white BMW. Kayla would of loved to be in this car. Kayla was the world to me. She was the bestest friend I could ever have. I just missed her and I had the right to.

I headed to my morning classes then met Zander for lunch. "Hey." He said cheerily. He had his arm around some blonde girl. She was the whole meaning of artificial. The dictionary probably made that word for her. She had bleach blonde hair, and very long hair may I add. I could tell they were extensions. She had big pink lips, big boobs and a plump ass. And she was chewing a piece of gum with her mouth open. Like ew! I was disgusted at Zander's choice of women lately. He was always hooking up with all the girls as if he didn't have a care in the world. I hated him for it. His choice of women totalled went down from Kayla. How could he just date all the girls like he never dated Kayla. Like he never got her pregnant. And he.. I've said too much. If I kept going and finished the sentence I was going to cry no doubt. So I pushed it to the back of my mind and took a bite of my apple and munched it silently.

Then Zander whispered something in the fake blondes ear and she giggled artificially. I scowled them and couldn't control myself. So I lost it. I lost it completely. "You asshole! How dare you go out with this skank like Kayla doesn't mean anything to you. Or her baby that you made with her."
"Look I know-" Zander said but I interrupted him.

"No you don't know. The only thing you know is to hook up skank-ass-hoes. Just don't talk to me." I said everyone was staring at us now. I got and walked angrily to the bin and dumped the remains of my lunch. I didn't look back as I could hear the silent whispers and 100 pair of eyes watching me. I stomped out and all I could hear were the click clack of my ankle boots. I marched to my car and opened it with the key. "Hey!" Someone called me from the school. The guy was rushing out after me. "What?" I said impolitely. "Look I know your upset but.."
"Derek? What do you care if I'm upset? You barely noticed me since I came into this school." I was on my unpleasant mode, and if I wasn't so angry and upset I would of died to be talking to thee Derek Johnson. He was the hottest guy in my year. He was just so muscular and dreamy.. And..... Snap out of it!

You're mad here stay that way. "You'd be surprised who I noticed the most..." He said, then he leaned in. But I backed away.
"Look, if you picked any other time then this I would of been thrilled. Like extremely thrilled. But now's not the time. I'm so sorry. But I still miss her. Kayla. And I can't start any relationship right now, sorry. " I said and got into my BMW and drove away back to my place. I was going to just call the school and said I felt sick. I couldn't even describe the feeling I had. It was mixed with anger and fear and sadness. I missed her dearly. Everyday I would miss her but would be too busy to do anything about it.

Author's Note: Short chapter? Ya I know, I'm so sorry. I'll update soon. But what do you think of me switching things up. And Kayla being... Well you know.....

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