This means nothing between us

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For the last few days since the incident with Princeton I've been going crazy. Every where I go I feel him there, watching me, thinking about me, every minuet of the day his presence irks my soul.

There has been more going on also. Two days ago there was an attack on one of my shipments at the dock. Five of my men were killed and 300 pounds of weed were stolen. Who ever did this must have a lot of balls but when I find them they are DEAD!

"Vienna are you alright you've been acting so distant lately" clearly Jai could tell I was stuck in thought.

"Yeah it's just that what if something goes wrong and my back up can't get to me" tonight I am going to dinner with the leader of another underground gang. We believe that they are the ones who killed my men. Their leader is Savas kingston. They are part of the Russian mafia. Weapons are unlimited for them, they live, breath and think violence. And if I have any hope of getting out of this alive well I better time everything perfectly.

"ViVi do fucking think I would let them hurt you and plus I'll be right outside"

"Promise me" I replied with a pleading smile.

"Yes Vienna I promise" he smiled "do you have the gun in you're boot and pull you're hair over you're ear so they can't see the ear piece"

"Yeah it's in my boot and I hid the microphone recorder under my dress"

"Good, and you look beautiful tonight by the way"

We pulled into the restaurant parking lot, which was located in the middle of nowhere. My hands were shaking and the hairs on the back of my neck stood at attention. This is the first time in forever that I've actually been scared. The whole parking lot was filled with bullet proof cars and men with massive guns. My men were hidden in the woods and following not too far behind us.

"This is it ViVi. Small talk is best and don't give any hints about what's going on. Lie about everything. Ok?" He said as he wrapped his hands around mine.

"Yeah ok. and do not go getting soft on me Jai" I replied with a smile.

"Shut up and get out the car it's time" Jai said with a playful push.

I got out the the car and slowly walked to the entrance. One of the men grabbed me by the top of my arm and pulled me inside.

"Well hello Ms.Richards how are you on this beautiful night?"

"I am well and how about you Mr.kingston?"

"I have never been better but please call me Savas and have a seat" I sat down in the seat across from Savas. He has men positioned around the room. I scanned every window and door in the room but a safe exit from any of then did not seem possible. "If you don't mind me asking how old are you?"

"I am 22"

"Young and beautiful it's a shame you have to live this life. I hear so much about how powerful and feared you are, but how could a little girl like you do all the things you've done?"

"Well you shouldn't take my looks as being weak" I tried to say politely.

"so what is it that you needed to meet with me so early about?"

"Well I was wondering if you have any information about the attack at my docks."

"Hmm I heard about it but I'm gonna need some information from you before I give some of my information"

"Yes I would be willing to do that"

"Good. Now why did you kill one of my men Vienna?"

"I do not know what you are talking about" I lied.

"That's exactly what I thought you'd say"he said with a smile" that's why I took the liberty of getting payback myself" It was as if the devil himself was looking back at me through his eyes. Son of a bitch you.

"Are you saying you did it?" I said with a twisted face trying my hardest not to seem fazed. He quickly began whispering to one of his men in hushed tones I couldn't understand.

"Yes I am as revenge but that was only one part of it" one of his men came over and grabbed me I struggled to try to get loose. That's when he pulled my hair aside to show my ear piece. But what made it worse he pulled the microphone recorder out from the top of my dress. "I knew!"Savas roared.

That's when the man who was holding onto me was shot from across the room. When I looked up it was no one other than Princeton!

"Hello love" he said as he punched a man in the face. I flipped the table on its side because bullets were firing all over the room. I took out my gun and fired at the men jumping Princeton killing them instantly.

"Vienna" it was Jai calling me as he burst through the door, I could hear the gun war outside raging.

"I'm over here" Jai came running to my side.

"Are you okay ViVi"

"Yeah I'm fine but Princeton is in here somewhere!"

" You know you should be glad he followed you cause he might have just saved you're life"

"I know"

"Hello you two" ugh it was Princeton

All three of us began firing into the crowd as me and Princetons men destroyed Kingston's whole team. Before we knew it there was only one man left. No other than Savas himself.

I stood up and held my gun out " surprise bitch now it's time for my revenge!" I shot him in the foot.

"Owww you fucking bitch you can't do this!"

"Yes I can watch me!"I shot him in the shin and then in his right arm.

"You won't kill me and even if you do my men will come for you!"

"Like I care i mean like look around you there's no one here to save you no one to stop me" a I replied with a wicked grin. I walked in front of him and put my gun to his head. "Any last words Savas" then he spit on my boot. "wrong choice idiot" I then shot his foot.

"Say my name"


" I said say my name! I want to hear you beg for mercy!" he kept hi mouth shut and didn't make a sound. "what you can't talk now. Well I can fix that" I placed the gun to his head once again

"Vienna" Jai said right before I pulled the trigger.


I bet you thought I killed him, but I didn't. Before I pulled the trigger I tilted the gun up so the bullet went over his head. "relax I didn't kill him" I said while laughing. "I'm gonna use him to get some money I know there's a lot of people who would give up thousands to have you at their finger tips"

"Boys tie him up and make sure it's as tight as possible this time he's not getting away" Jai snapped his fingers and our men went to it.

I started walking away when I hear my name called. "Vienna my love!"

"What the hell do you want"

"That's no way to act to the person who saved your life" he had a playful smile. Ugh.

"Yeah what ever I guess I owe you one"

"Yes well how about going on a date with me" there was a pleading look in his eyes.

Why oh why did he have to come into my life!? Jesus Christ everything was going so fine and now I have this creep hot on my tail every hour of the day.
"Pleeeaaassseee my love I will do anything to be with you for even just one night." He cooed

"Fine" his face immediately lit up with joy. "I want two large pizzas ordered to my place in thirty minutes." I could she him almost jump with excitement. Oh boy.

"This date means nothing between us by the way!" I yelled as Princeton practically skipped to his car. What have I gotten my self into?

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