esok beday aku
dah siapkan hadiah belom?
esok might be the happiest or saddest day
biarkan aku bahagia boleh ye sayang?
aku tunggu tau...you might be thinking why can't I move on from you since I had so many crush...
well everytime I felt sad or miss you all I can do is let myself float from sadness and sometimes I even cry till I fell asleep. I will then had a dreamd about you and almost all the dream were a same dream. isteri shafi'ul baasith☆021123
I didn't get the gift... I looked under my desk and there's nothing there..
ofc I got sad but my mind seems to know already that he won't keep his promise this time... but it's still hurt that you act like nothing happen and still talk to me... not even a sorry from your mouth.. that's so bullshit
how long will it last?
Short Storycan I still love you? or will this be the end .. #2023 # ll volume