Just Not

105 3 15

I've gone insane finally

Next I'll either do Team8s or Death p.a.c.t again

Bomby: You'd be stupid to lay a hand on me.

Pillow: Oh, you'd be surprised how much stupid shit I do.

Price Tag: I intend to stay pissed at you forever.

Price Tag: Even if I seem helpful.

Naily: Then you're in luck.

Naily: Because you don't.

Naily: Is anyone going to tell me what's going on in here?!

Nickel: It's kind of complicated, but Pillow-

Naily: Got it. Forget I asked.

(This is the most canon one so far lmao)

Book: Do you think I'm ugly?

Pillow: It's not about looks, Book. What's valuable is on the inside...

Book: Pillow...

Pillow: For example, someone's heart.

Book: Aw... Stop it-

Pillow: It could be purchased for more than a million dollars, you know.

Book: Seriously, stop.

Nickel: Hey, can you do me a favor?

Bomby: Sorry, I have to go do literally anything other than this.

Nickel: You don't even have a legitimate reason?

Bomby: Oh, no, I do.

Nickel: Well, what is it?

Bomby: You see, I simply don't give a fuck.

Book: So the other day I sent Pillow out to get us some gas.

Book: And instead of getting gas, she got us novelty cookie cutters.

Book: Now everything we eat is shaped like a dinosaur.

Book: ...

Book: I love her so much.

(As you can tell, I love this ship)

Book: Nothing in life is free.

Nickel: Love is free.

Cake: Knowledge is free.

Naily: Friendship is free.

Bomby: Self-respect is free.

Pillow: Everything's free if you don't pay for it.

The Squad: ...

Price Tag: Pillow, that's illegal-

Book: No, let her finish!

Pillow: What state do you live in?

Cake(or anyone else in Just Not): I live in a state of constant anxiety.

Price Tag: Man, they look like a real handful. How do you deal with them?

Book, watching Naily screaming, Pillow trying to set a sleeping Bomby on fire, and Nickel choking on air: I don't know either.

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