4. The wall insults.

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Stan's POV:

Yesterday Kyle told me to come over to the place we met. Like, early. Before school. He said that he just wanted to hang out but I'm not a douche to decline him. I had time, so why not?

I arrived here around 7 am, to my surprise.. the school was already open. I sneaked over to these metal doors and tried to open it as quietly as possibl-


Right. I can't open them quietly. It's impossible. How the fuck old and rusty are they? Whatever.

I went outside to that place.. It always reeked of cigarettes here. Today, it smelt decent. Normal. I bet that the wind blew the smell away, but I didn't care. I looked down at the ground, there was an old jacket thrown next to the dumpster. It had a visible ass trace, that made me sure that someone sat on it before. I furrowed my eyebrows and sighed. I'm not gonna stand, and if it's a seat then why not? I sat on the jacket and it was.. Weirdly comfortable. I looked at the wall it was next to..

..There were a lot of things scratched out in that wall with a blue pen. I wonder who wrote it. Weird love poems, weird stuff.. It was all just so weird.

There were also a lot of insults, most of them contained the name "Kyle". Why would Kyle get insulted so much? I looked around at the dumpster and saw there was something scratched out as well.

It said 'Kyle is a f..' but the word starting with an f got blurred with a blue pen and someone added 'no I'm not!' in all capitals.. with the same blue pen. It wasn't hard to figure out what the f-word really was, but wait. Who would insult Kyle like that? It doesn't matter.

I was confused. What if those are true..? Could Kyle really be gay? Well, if he was then i might have a ch-


I got snapped out of my thoughts as i heard a deep voice from behind. I turned around to face whoever said that. I had a dumb grin on my face formed by all the thoughts I've gotten.

I saw a pair of dirty Converse slightly covered by some baggy jeans. I already recognized who they belong to but i looked up anyways, still sitting on the jacket.

Right, it was a pretty redhead with a pair of sage green eyes and a pale, freckled face. Through all the years, he never lost his beauty, honestly. He furrowed his eyebrows, noticing that i haven't even responded but just stared at him.

I quickly stood up and faced him, still smiling like a dork.

"Hhh- Hey?"

I didn't expect my voice to be so stuttery right now. I wanted to facepalm myself but it looked like he didn't give a single fuck to my expression, nor to my tone and stuttery voice.

He leaned against the wall, next to me. He put his hands in his pockets with his face completely blank. No emotions, nothing. He leaned against that wall pretty close to me, but not close enough to even touch me. But he was close.. So close that i started feeling his smell. But no, he didn't smell like cigarettes. He smelt.. Normal. Like he did some years ago. Such a sweet smell.. It made me wish i could bury my face into his hair and smell... and just smell it.

My thoughts formed a faint smirk on my face, and i didn't even notice it. Kyle didn't seem to pay attention to it as my eyes kept wandering all over his face. After like a minute of silence i finally got out of those weird thoughts and sighed.

I didn't think a stupid sigh would get his attention but he turned his face to me and looked at me. I looked away, feeling embarrassed for my own thoughts. I know he can't read my mind but it's still embarrassing.. I felt my cheeks heat up from embarrassment and i shook my head. I wish I could break this goddamn silence, but no. My brain was empty. Completely empty. Nothing. I didn't know what to say, and that silence made the moment feel more intense. It wasn't a good feeling, especially when you're standing silently next to someone you really, really like.

Kyle's POV:

One thing got me wondering.

Why the hell would Stan be so quiet? I know that since he healed himself he was less shy and talking way too much.

I looked over at him. Grinning like an idiot with red cheeks and fidgeting with his hands. God, he looks so dumb. I could barely hold myself back from chuckling, i managed to keep a straight and dry face though.

I pulled a cig out of my pocket and li-

"Kyle.. Don't."

Right, I didn't light it. Because of this little bastard right next to me.


I furrowed my eyebrows, trying to make my voice sound annoyed.

"It hurts your lungs."

"I don't care."

And i lit it anyways. What a fucker, why does he care so much?

His behavior.. His behavior reminds me of something.. it reminds me of whe-

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