• ☾ Chapter 2 | Awkward Dining.. ☽ •

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~ 3rd Person POV ~

Eventually, the sun was ready to set. The sun was finishing up it's job to light up the sky and be a lantern for the living creatures on the planet Earth. And our girl Shinobu had finished up her own job, she had made a lot of yen, and she was now satisfied. She placed the yen all in a glass jar, which she put into her basket, along with the rest of the medicines that hadn't been bought yet.
But now, her job was finished, and it was time to go. She usually walked home with her sisters, but she was unable to find them due to a slow customer who kept her 15 minutes later then the time she usually left at.
She rubbed her temples and sighed, feeling a bit annoyed and a wee bit stressed. "If I stay out too late, bandits will come and rob me and take my precious yen and medicines.." she thought to herself. She took a breath to calm herself. She curled her hand around the handle of her basket and shut down her stand, and began to walk home.

She roamed the empty cobblestone streets. Some people were still closing their shops and cleaning up, while one idiot stood out in his shop, not cleaning up or leaving at all. She put her hand over her mouth and looked at him with a disgusted look and half lidded eyes, almost amused by his foolishness. "I pity the fools who sit out here till dawn.. bandits will surely come and get him." she said to herself, in a soft voice so he wouldn't hear. The sun sank under the mountains and the stars began to light up, she looked up to the sky. "I should really get home!" she thought. She began to run back home, her feet beat the cobblestone, which faded to dirt as she ran into the forest that lead to her home. Vines and branches hung down, she just swept past them gracefully, like a butterfly!

She saw her cottage through the forest, and it looked the same as ever. The lights were on in the kitchen, it appeared. She stopped and a warm smile curled onto her pink lips. "It seems they're having dinner, great." she thought, as she was feeling hungry and didn't get a chance to eat or even pack a bento lunch! She took a few steps closer and stepped infront of the door, she opened it and saw that her father, Gyomei Himejima was finally home. He saw her turn his head to her, and then turn to the end of the table, chuckling— nervously? Why? Was something wrong? Her older sister, Kanae sat next to him and looked at Shinobu with a kind smile. till' she noticed something. A gasp escaped her lips and she looked at shinobu with a sad gaze. "Oh my! Shinobu, the bottom of your dress is a bit.. torn and dirty, why don't you go change?" she suggested. Shinobu nodded, she took a few steps closer, then spotted someone in the corner in her eye, and it wasn't her father or sisters.. it was..


She gasped when she saw him, he was just.. sitting there, a fork in his hand as he took a bite of steak.
She pointed at him and gritted her teeth. "Hey, it's you! You're that jerk from the village! You shoved me.. a-and you didn't even thank me for giving you that medicine! You really are a jerk!" she shouted, Gyomei's eyebrows furrowed down. "Shinobu, do not speak to our guest like that. Go upstairs and change." he said, firmly and strictly. Shinobu felt a small squeek come out, she just sighed and ran upstairs.
She ran up and looked at herself in the vanity mirror. Her eyebrows knitted down angrily and she turned around, she looked back and looked through her wardrobe. A lavender dress, a red dress, a blue dress.. none of these options interested her, till she found one.
It was a light yellow dress, with poofy sleeves and a beautiful red waistband. She smiled and took it out, "This looks quite lovely." she spoke softly to herself, her voice lightly echoed. She placed it onto the bed and began to strip. Taking off her clothes, till she was left in her bra and bloomers. She slid on the dress, and looked into the mirror. She looked quite elegant, it was a quite simple yet beautiful dress. She tied the bow into the back and smiled. She put on a pearl necklace and finished her look off with some black flats. She fixed her hair by tying the lose strands back in, she overall looked beautiful and elegant, a true beauty she was, which was even said by the townsfolk.

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