• ☾ Chapter 9 | Lost & Found ☽ •

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• . ⋆ ✦ _________________ ✦ ⋆ . •
~ Shinobu's POV ~

I don't have a clue where I am.

My village burnt down, turning into shambles and burning away into nothing. My sister tried to save me from the fires aswell as try to find my other two sisters, I think I passed out.. when I woke up, I was stranded in the forest.

I have a headache and my feet hurt from accidentally stepping on embers. My dress is torn and has small dirt stains on it. I'm just so confused, and worried.. I have no idea where my sisters are or if they ever made it out alive! I'm scared that they burned up in the village, but if they did— then who brought me out to the forest? It's been a few hours since I woke up, and I feel like I'm going insane. I have never feel so terrified in my entire life.. I have no food, no water, no medical supplies, nothing, and nobody. I feel so alone.. I don't know where my village is either, or atleast the abandonded shambles of it. I miss my sisters and I miss my fathee. Our cottage wasn't that far away from the village, so I'm guessing that burnt down too. All my medicines, gone.

I just want to rewind time.

• . ⋆ ✦ _________________ ✦ ⋆ . •
~ 3rd Person POV ~

It had been a whole two weeks since the event. And Shinobu was still lost in the forest.

The villagers were now either homeless and living on the streets or traveling to go live with distant relatives or friends, too much destruction was done— and there was a small chance the village could be rebuilt. There was now just a spot of empty land covered in broken down burnt wood and building materials. Bodies were buried under the shambles of what used to be homes and shops.
As for Shinobu, she was still in the Forest. She hadn't eaten anything except for berries, and hadn't drunken any water. Her feet were burnt, calloused and scabbed, her head was dizzy and fuzzy, and her body was becoming weaker and weaker. She was in pain, aswell as full of sadness. "Nee - san.. am I close to you..?" she thought as she stepped through the thick brush of the forest. Her feet stepped into sticks and rocks, creating cuts and bruises, causing her to wince in pain. Thorn bushes scraped against her arms, creating cuts, and ripped pieces from what used to be a beautiful dress, and now looked like a torn up bed sheet.

She was exhausted. She felt like she was going pass out any second now, she was actually confused how she hadn't passed out yet. She was thirsty, the river water wasn't safe to drink and she had no weapons she'd be able to use for hunting. Her body felt weak, as if she was crumbling apart slowly. The only thought that lingered her mind was where her family was, and if she'd be saved, who knows if she'd even live to see her family again.

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