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So, there he was sitting on his bed, fidgeting mercilessly. He was wearing a coat his mom insisted making him wear it. "Why are you doing this Eomma? I don't want to get married. I want to study Eomma, complete my MBA. Why don't you trust that astrocreep and not me.....your own son?"

"Stop it, Hobi, don't say such things about our family astrologer. He is a genius. Whatever he predicted has come true in our life, in your life. The cat, the story, it all came true, didn't it?"

"Eomma, I told you that stupid cat is his pet and I don't believe his fake story."

"Save it Hobi, now be a good boy and talk nicely to the boy. This is a good family and you know that we want you to be happy right?"

Hoseok half-nodded his mind lurking somewhere else. Where the hell are his cousins when you need them?

 Where the hell are his cousins when you need them?

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The Jung family welcomed the Kim family. Chae-Won and Dal looked at the groom. They looked at each other and smiled.

"He is perfect for our Hobi, isn't it, Chae-Won?", Dal asked his wife who gave a positive nod.

"I just hope Hobi likes him too."

They spoke to the handsome man who seemed shy and spoke softly. He didn't talk much but they liked how polite he was. He is perfect for Hoseok who chatters around 24/7. They spoke to the relatives. Namjoon's parents too have come for the occasion. After all, they are family. [Hoseok, Jungkook and Namjoon's fathers are brothers that makes them cousins.]

They were talking to the Kim family who had come back from USA when one of his family members asked about Jung's niece who also resides in USA.

"Oh, where exactly in USA is she?"

Namjoon's mother happily chirped, "Oh she is in New Jersey."

"Oh, do you visit New Jersey often?"

Namjoon's mother got all flustered and shy. She didn't know how to answer that. She has not even stepped foot outside her home leave alone going to another country. But Mr. Jung answered instead of her.

"Oh, we have been there many times. In fact, we have photos of that too." Though Kim, Jung, and Jeon were brothers, Jung always treated Kim differently mainly because he didn't study much, is a farmer and not up to the standard of the Jung family who lives in Gwanju city and has an upper-class status. However, the three kids bonded like glue and always stood united.

Chae-Won placed a gentle hand on her husband's shoulder who looked at her and gave a nod. It was time. She called her son.

"Hoseok, can you please come here?"

Hoseok took a deep breath as he descended down the stairs. His eyes scanned the room and fixated on just one man. He felt his heart skip a beat. He couldn't stop staring at the man. The man had a cold, firm gaze which made him even more sexy and intense. All of a sudden, he found himself getting warm. He just stood there as if forgetting how to walk. His mother called him again seeing how flustered his son was getting. "Hoseok, Come down". Hoseok snapped out of his thoughts and could feel all the eyes on him as he slowly walked down the stairs.

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