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The next morning, Hoseok busied himself in the kitchen, preparing tea, when Taehyung walked in, dressed impeccably in a plain shirt neatly tucked into his pants, ready for the day at the office.

The next morning, Hoseok busied himself in the kitchen, preparing tea, when Taehyung walked in, dressed impeccably in a plain shirt neatly tucked into his pants, ready for the day at the office

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"Good morning," Hoseok greeted, their voice filled with warmth.

Taehyung responded with a curt "Good morning, Hoseok," his tone slightly distant.

As Hoseok poured the tea, they realized there was no milk for Taehyung's coffee. "I'm sorry, there's no milk, so I made black coffee instead. I hope that's okay," Hoseok explained, a tinge of disappointment evident in their voice.

Taehyung glanced at the cup of black coffee and replied, "It's fine. Once Jin-Ae arrives, things will be much easier for you."

Hoseok's eyes widened with surprise. "Jin-Ae? She will be here with the household chores too?"

Taehyung nodded his expression distant. "Yes, she's been taking care of things for me not just the cleaning part, the cooking, shopping, etc. She'll assist you."

Slightly hurt, Hoseok insisted, "You don't need to worry about that, Tae. I can introduce myself to the neighbors. This way I can make some friends and I can take care of everything on my own."

Taehyung's response was tinged with a touch of sadness. "I don't know anyone here, Hoseok. I've been living in Seoul for a few years, but people are too busy with their own lives. Making friends requires effort, and life has become mechanical for that sort of thing."

Hoseok's mouth formed a perfect 'O' of surprise. "Thing? Friendship is not a thing Tae. I mean, I have so many friends back in Gwanju. I know everyone is busy but we need to make an effort to connect with people. Life shouldn't be so impersonal and disconnected."

Taehyung's tone remained firm. "This is not Gwanju, Hoseok. It's Seoul. People here mind their own business. Well, Gotta go. I'll see you in the evening."

As Taehyung left for work, the weight of his words lingered in the air. For Taehyung, life had always revolved around work, with minimal room for personal connections. With Hoseok entering his life, he was faced with the challenge of accepting someone new, alongside the haunting memories of his past that refused to let go.

Hoseok, on the other hand, felt a pang of sadness at the distance in Taehyung's demeanor. He hoped for a deeper connection, but Taehyung's coldness reminded him that their paths were still separate. The challenge of adapting to a new city and Taehyung's reluctance to embrace new relationships added to Hoseok's sense of isolation.

The question lingered in both their minds — can Taehyung truly accept and welcome Hoseok into his life, or will the past haunt them in their present and future together?


For Namjoon, it was a tiring day. The same routine he has been following since months. He missed his home. Unlike earlier times, when he used to go home at least twice or thrice a month, he visits home only once in two months. Things have changed. The work is taking a toll on his personal life. His life has become monotonous. He felt like a robot – waking up, going to office, coming back and sleeping.

There was no entertainment. He missed his parents, his cousins. Even though his Hoseok lived in Seoul, his work pressure was so much that he couldn't even find the time to meet his favorite cousin - Hoseok. He wished for a simple life but his mother insisted that he study hard and go out of town and earn something. Become rich...no filthy rich. That was his mother's motto. He had seen his mom yell at his dad for being a simple farmer and a failed poet. He understands his mother wants the best for him but at times she failed to see that in that process, she is hurting her only son.

But Namjoon took it all and followed what his mother wanted like an obedient child. He dragged his half-tired body lazily towards the lift when he heard someone scream.

"Hold that lift...please, hey you....tall guy...". Who's screaming so loud? Namjoon was inside the lift and was about to press the button when he heard someone scream. He held the door and the man barged in quickly.

"Oh, thank you. Thank you." The short guy bowed and thanked Namjoon who simply nodded. Namjoon looked at the boy standing beside him who pressed 24th floor. He was wearing a shoulder bag and a blue T-shirt with ripped jeans that accentuated his slim figure. He looked like a college boy. The boy had a sparkle in his eyes and was smiling at him cheerily. Namjoon realized he was staring at the boy who was now smiling. He gave an awkward half smile back.

"I am Park Jimin. I haven't seen you before. Are you from here?"


"Well, I am a student. I am in my final year arts. You see I love our culture and want to learn more about our music and instruments. So am studying final year in Music."

Jimin was rambling on and on about his studies. This man sure loves to talk. Namjoon found it funny as to why this boy was telling him all of these things. After all, he was a stranger to the man. And it's not like Joon asked or was even remotely interested. He was frankly tired and wanted some peace and quiet. He just wanted to sleep for a whole month. But this boy was rambling on and on. Joon wanted to tell Jimin to shut up but that would be rude and Namjoon is anything but rude. He let the man ramble on while he simply nodded absent-mindedly.

"So, what's your name Hyung? Are you older than me? You look older than me or else why would you be wearing a tie? Which floor are you on? Oh, you are on 25th floor. This means you are above me, I mean not literally...but...you know". Jimin started giggling like a kid.

At 19th floor, Namjoon pressed the lift and got out. "Excuse me, I have to go. See you later." He dashed out of the lift without waiting for a response and took a deep breath of relief. He could walk the rest of the floors in peace.

As he reached out to open his door, someone hugged him from behind which made him jump. "Kookieeeeee." Namjoon yelled looking at the bunny who smiled back.


"What are you doing in Seoul?"

"Can we go in first? I am starving."

"Sure." Namjoon happily opened the keys. For the first time in the last few months, he felt truly happy.


There you go...a nanha sa update.


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