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Mrs. Min's reprimand echoed in the tense air of the Min household, her words laden with disapproval and concern. "Yoongi, how many times did I tell you not to go with that boy? He is no good. He is absolutely immature and has no sense of responsibility," she scolded, her voice tinged with worry for her son's well-being.

But Yoongi was adamant in his resolve. "I know, Eomma, but Taehyung... he's different. He's not like you think," he protested, his voice tinged with defiance and a hint of longing.

Mr. Min joined the conversation, his expression stern as he addressed his son. "Yoongi, we only want what's best for you. That boy..he is trouble, and we don't want to see you get hurt," he warned, his tone firm and unwavering.

But Yoongi's heart had already made its choice, his feelings for Taehyung too strong to ignore. "I understand, Appa, but I have to follow my heart. Taehyung means everything to me," he confessed, his voice soft but resolute.

As Mr. Min reached out, a desperate plea in his eyes, "Son, wait, don't go," Yoongi hesitated for a moment, torn between his love for Taehyung and his family's concerns. But in the end, his heart won out, and he rushed out the door, his mind set on being with the one he loved, no matter the consequences.

As Yoongi's words hung in the air, Mrs. Min's pleas fell on deaf ears. "No Yoongi, please don't go," she implored again, her voice tinged with desperation and concern. But Yoongi, was fueled by youthful rebellion. He ignored her words. "Please Eomma, I am not a kid. I am old enough to date someone and I know who's right for me," he asserted, his voice tinged with defiance as he rushed to hop on Taehyung's waiting motorcycle.

Mr. Min, his heart heavy with worry, ran after his son, his footsteps echoing in the empty street. But before he could reach Yoongi, the motorcycle roared to life, and Taehyung and Yoongi sped off into the night, leaving behind a trail of dust and shattered hopes.

In the following days, Yoongi made the bold decision to move in with Taehyung, despite knowing it would cause tension and disapproval from his parents. Yet, amidst the disapproval, they found happiness in each other's arms. They had created their own little world of affection and understanding.

But fate had a cruel twist in store for them. Taehyung had stopped at a signal as it was red. But Yoongi asked him to go. "Come on Tae, where's your sense of adventure?". The challenge and the thrill of adventure blinded logic. And in that moment, their lives were irrevocably changed, as tragedy struck with the screech of tires and the shatter of glass.

Taehyung and Yoongi were thrown away from the bike. People rushed them to the hospital. Taehyung's friends and Yoongi's parents rushed to the hospital upon the news. Mr. and Mrs. Min stood frozen near the operation theatre, their faces drained of color, their hearts heavy with grief and disbelief. Mr. Min's eyes bore into Taehyung who was sitting there lifeless. Mr Min's face was filled with a mixture of anger and accusation, his fists clenched at his sides as he struggled to fight his emotions.

When the doctor finally emerged, Mr. Min's voice was filled with fear and desperation. "Doctor," he began, his voice barely above a whisper, "how's my son? Is he okay?"

The doctor's somber expression spoke volumes, and as he delivered the devastating news, Mr. and Mrs. Min's world shattered into a million pieces. Their beloved Yoongi was gone, leaving behind an unbearable void in their hearts.

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