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Whenever Hoseok got free time, he would spend his time with Yoongi 's parents. Maybe it was empathy, maybe the fact that he knew it was the closure that Taehyung needed or maybe he could connect with the loneliness that the old couple were going through, Hoseok felt very much connected with them. Yoongi 's parents too loved Hoseok just like their own son.

Ever since Jungkook had informed Hoseok about what had happened with Taehyung, Hoseok couldn't help but feel a deep sense of concern for the man he loved. His heart ached for Taehyung, and he wished that Taehyung had confided in him about the painful past. Not a single day passed without Hoseok missing him, and he wished Taehyung had placed more trust in their relationship. The fact that Taehyung had gone through so much pain, losing his first love, was something that Hoseok couldn't bear to think about. He understood why Taehyung had been angry with him on the day he found Hoseok riding the motorbike; it must have triggered countless painful memories. The trauma that Taehyung had experienced was something Hoseok wanted to help him heal from and it was one of the many reasons why he asked Taehyung to come with him.

"Why did you stop here Hoseok? What is this place?"

Hoseok took his time in framing his answer. "This is where Yoongi 's parents live."

Taehyung's eyes went wide. He couldn't face them. The guilt was eating him alive. Only one word came out of his mouth, "Why?"

"You need to".

"I can't", Taehyung said, his voice sad and miserable.

"It's important, Taehyung, for you, for Yoongi , for us...to move forward", Hoseok stated.

"How can I, Hoseok? I feel so guilty. I can't Hoseok...I Just can't", Taehyung disagreed.

"Taehyung, you have to do this....for Yoongi ", Hoseok added. Taehyung sighed and nodded.

Everyone needed closure to accept the past and move forward in their lives.

Hoseok went in first and knocked on the door. Mrs. Min opened the door.

"Hoseok my child, come in."

She ushered Hoseok as usual. Yoongi 's father was reading a newspaper. He smiled as he looked at Hoseok. "Good afternoon Hoseok."

"Good afternoon uncle", Hoseok smiled back at the old man.

Hoseok was feeling heavy in his chest as he sat down on the couch. "I want to talk to you about something, rather someone".



"Don't say his name, Hoseok. He killed my son. I don't ever want to hear his name.", Mr. MIn stopped Hoseok.

"He is miserable, uncle. And he has been feeling guilty every second since that day."

"Haahh...No Hoseok, I don't think so. He must be happy with his life, probably might have got married and having a great life with his wife or husband." Mr. MIn was pissed at Taehyung. He could never forgive the man who killed his son.

"No. Uncle, he is not happy and neither is his husband."

"How would you know, Hoseok dear?", Yoongi 's mom spoke. "Yoongi was our only child and he took him away from him. Yoongi was crazy about Taehyung, blinded by his love. He wouldn't hear anything of us. He took away our only hope, our only child. You don't know Taehyung."

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