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"Hey. Happy Birthday, Mr Worldwide Handsome." Jungkook cooed on the phone.

"Who you calling Handsome? I am just Seokjin", Jin pouted as he smiled inside. It felt tingly inside when Jungkook complimented him, "Thank you... You will be coming tonight for my birthday party right?", his voice trying to contain his excitement.

"I won't miss it to the world", Jungkook smiled. They spoke for a few minutes until they hung up.

At the birthday party:

Jungkook entered the Kim residence. There were many people gathered around for Jin's birthday. After all, Jin's family was not an ordinary one. They were filthy rich but thankfully Jin never showed that side. He was always a simple and down-to-earth man. His eyes scanned for his baby when it fell on him. There he was sitting in light blue shirt with his friends. They were laughing and hugging making faces, clicking selfies on their phone.

Jungkook felt possessive and a tad jealous but his face showed no emotion. Stop it Jungkook , they are Jin's friends. He took a deep breath and turned when Jin called him. With a heavy heart, he walked towards them.

"Happy birthday ba....Seokjin." Jungkook almost said baby but he controlled himself and cleared his throat before wishing Jin. He gave Jin a bouquet.

From a distance, Mrs. Kim was watching Jungkook 's every move. This is the perfect chance to get that man out of her son's life.

As it was time to cut the cake, Jin blew the candles, happily cutting the cake and feeding it to his mother. He offered Jungkook a piece who took a tiny portion and fed to Jin.

Jungkook moved away from the crowd and watched Jin from a distance, just like he used to.

"Jungkook , right?"

He turned around to see a woman in her 50's. He smiled and nodded.

"I am Mrs. Kim, Jin's mother."

"Hello Mrs. Kim. Nice to meet you."

"Yes, very nice to meet you. I have seen you drop Jin every day. So, what do you do?"

"Umm, I am a bike racer."

"Oh, that's good...for you", Mrs. Kim said her words intoning sarcasm.

"So where are your parents? What do they do? I am sure they would be proud to know their son is a bike racer", the woman was asking questions much to Jungkook 's discomfort.

"Just like I am proud of my son. Did you know he is a gold medalist? I am proud of my son, he is so respected and loved by everyone and so well-educated as well. I am glad he got accepted in Australian university. I know he made a wrong choice once but I am sure he will never another one again."

Jungkook looked at Mrs. Kim with confusion.

"Australian University?"

"Oh, didn't he tell you? He will be leaving to Australia in a month to follow his dreams. He will be getting a Masters in Mass Communication?", Mrs. Kim looked at Jungkook 's face that looked emotionless.

It felt as if someone ripped his heart open. Why didn't Jin tell him? This can't be happening. He took a deep breath and was beginning to walk away when Jin called. He was waving at him to come near him. Jungkook controlled his emotions and walked towards Jin. Jin pulled Jungkook near him and entwined his hand. He was interacting to the guests. Jungkook tried to wrench free as he felt Mrs. Kim's eyes on their hands but Jin pulled him back towards him. Jungkook had no choice but to stay near Jin till everyone left.

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