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The soft glow of the evening sun cast a warm hue across the living room of their shared apartment as Taehyung sat at the small wooden table, a pen in hand and a stack of crisp sticky notes before him. With each stroke of the pen, his heart poured out onto the page, the words forming a delicate tapestry of love and regret. He tiptoed into Hoseok's bedroom hoping his husband would be asleep. He walked into the room and heard the sound of water. He knew Hoseok was in the bathroom.

Carefully folding each letter, Taehyung took a moment to admire his handiwork before setting out to strategically place them where he knew Hoseok would discover them. He hoped Hoseok would look at them and at least acknowledge him. He smiled as he read the quote in his mind. Another slipped beneath the strap of Hoseok's backpack, a subtle surprise awaiting him when he next reached for his belongings. Before leaving Hoseok's bedroom he placed another sticky note on the door and closed it hoping Hoseok would see it.

Taehyung tiptoed through their apartment, leaving a trail of love notes for his husband. One found its way onto the kitchen counter, tucked on Hoseok's favorite coffee mug, while another was carefully wedged into the pages of a book Hoseok had been reading.

Finally, Taehyung paused outside the apartment, his heart pounding in his chest as he hoped he would get a positive reaction from Hoseok.

Hoseok stepped out of the bathroom in his PJs and began tidying up his bed. As he smoothed out the sheets, he noticed a small piece of paper resting on his pillow. Curious, he picked it up and his eyes widened in surprise. Taehyung had left a note?

"Hey Sunshine, just a little note to brighten your day.

Remember, even on cloudy days, your smile can light up the sky. - Tae"

The word "sunshine" brought a smile to Hoseok's lips, but he won't give Tae the satisfaction. He carefully tucked the note into his drawer, intending to deal with it later, and continued with his morning routine. Walking towards the bedroom door, Hoseok spotted another sticky note attached to it. He plucked it off and read it aloud to himself, the words echoing in the empty room.

"To my dearest Hoseok, you're the missing piece to my puzzle.

Let's complete it together - YOURS TaeTae"

Exiting the bedroom, Hoseok looked around the apartment, and realized Taehyung had gone to office. Despite his efforts to remain composed, he felt a warmth spreading across his cheeks, betraying his blush. He was thankful that Taehyung wasn't there to see him flustered.

Heading into the kitchen, Hoseok reached for his cup, only to discover yet another sticky note attached to it. He chuckled softly as he read the message aloud, savoring the playful banter even in Taehyung's absence.

"Hobi, you're the peanut butter to my jelly, the yin to my yang.

Let's stick together like glue. - Love, Your Cheesy Husband"

As he settled at the table, his eyes fell upon a dish covered with a lid with another sticky note. Tae was being really cheesy, Hoseok admitted to himself. He must have googled this stuff. Hoseok rolled his eyes, even though his heart said otherwise.

"Hey Sunshine, if I had a dollar for every time you brightened my day, I'd be a billionaire. Here's to infinite smiles and laughter. - Your Prince Charming"

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