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Hoseok was sitting in their bedroom as it was Taehyung and Hoseok's first night. Hoseok was fidgeting in bed. His friends had given him the talk about "lengths" and "depths" that made Hoseok giggle at that time. However, imagining it now, a small fear crept upon his face. As he was lost in thoughts, the bathroom door opened with Taehyung wearing only a towel. Hoseok's mouth fell open as he found himself staring at his husband's chest. He couldn't take her eyes off Taehyung who still had few droplets clung to his hair and skin. His body was like a sculpture, every muscle carved and defined. His chest was broad and firm, his abs rippling with every movement. He looked strong and confident, but also gentle and kind. Hoseok felt a surge of attraction and admiration, wondering what it would be like to touch him, to feel his warmth and his heartbeat.

 Hoseok felt a surge of attraction and admiration, wondering what it would be like to touch him, to feel his warmth and his heartbeat

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He didn't realize he was gawking at his husband. Taehyung looked amusingly at Hoseok's expression. He cleared his throat which brought Hoseok back from his thoughts.

"Umm...Hoseok. I have a meeting with a client right now. So, I better get ready for that. You can go to sleep if you are feeling tired." He walked away to get dressed leaving Hoseok all weird and awkward.

It took Hoseok a moment to comprehend what exactly happened. Did his husband just ditch him for a meet? Wasn't it supposed to be their first night? Hoseok sighed and sat further deep in his bed. Hoseok tried calling his cousins but they ignored Hoseok's call as they were busy with their booze party.


Hoseok is standing at the doorway, suitcases packed, ready to leave for Taehyung's home. Chae-Won hugs her son, "I can't believe my baby is all grown up and starting a new chapter in his life. Take care of yourself, okay?" Hoseok smiled, a hint of sadness in his eyes, "I will, Eomma. Don't worry about me."

Dal patted Hoseok's back, "We'll miss you too, Hobi....Remember, we're just a phone call away if you ever need anything. Take care of each other."

Kook and Joon walked forward for a group hug, "My Hobi is married...Take care and remember, we are always there for you", Kook said strengthening the bonds between his brothers as he eyed Taehyung giving him a hint of warning. Something about Taehyung irked Kook a lot as if he is judging everyone around him.

Hoseok's eyes welled up "Thanks Kookie, Joon.." He hugged them as he cried like a baby.

Hoseok's Mom wiped away her tears, "We're so proud of the man you've become, Hoseok. Taehyung is lucky to have you, and we know you'll make each other happy."Hoseok takes a final look at his childhood home, carrying the love and support of his family with him as he walks towards his new life with Taehyung.


As they entered the Kim Mansion, Taehyung's Mom smiled brightly, "Welcome home, my babies!"

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