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Every day, Jungkook walked with Jin, would drop him home and then go back. They would occasionally go to the park, sit for a few hours, read or simply talk about this and that and Jungkook would drop him home. (A/N: No. He still hasn't visited Jin's home).

One day as they were walking, Jin asked Jungkook . "Would you like to come with me tomorrow to a place?"


"That's a surprise but would you come?" Jungkook smiled and gave a yes. He just wants to spend more time with Jin. If he could, he would follow him to the end of the earth. The more he got to know him, the more his heart yearned for Jin.

"Oh, don't forget to bring your car." Jungkook nodded as he walked away from Jin's home.

So the next day, he took the day off and met Jin in front of his home. He placed the chair at the trunk of the car and carried Jin bridal style to the front seat.

"Where are we going?", Jungkook asked curiously.

"Just drive".

They drove for around two hours and stopped in front of a building. Jungkook helped Jin in the chair and as they moved, that's when Jungkook looked at the sign. It was the military headquarters in Yongsan-gu.

Jin saw Jungkook stare at the building. "What? Hello, earth to Jungkook ."

"Jeon Jungkook...!!!", Jin shouted which made Jungkook snap from the daze.

"What's going on? You look lost. Is everything okay?"

"I am sorry I can't come in."

"Why not?"

"Just don't. I can't."

"Heard about Colonel Jeon Dae-Ho?

"Yes, he was recently awarded the The Order of Military Merit."

"My father." Even though Jungkook shared how his parents got divorced he never revealed who his father was. Now that Jin knows, he felt guilty for bringing the boy here.

"Ouch...Ummm...we don't have to go in. Let's go somewhere else." Jin said.

"But didn't you say, you want to visit?"

"Maybe some other time. Let's go someplace else." Jin said again. He didn't want to be a killjoy. "Where do you wanna go?" Jin asked Jungkook.

"Come, I will take you to an amazing place." Jungkook smiled happily.


They drove for a while, laughing and smiling throughout their drive, though Jin did most of the talking.

Jungkook smiled and was listening intently to Jin. Jin sighed as he understood the question behind the smile. "Alright, I will tell you."

"I didn't ask", Jungkook said.

"Yeah, you didn't ask loudly."


Jin was a happy-go-lucky kid. A natural talent, his smile brought instant happiness to everyone around him. A good student, a great friend, he was like a sunshine to whoever met him. He loved everything within him and around him. He loved playing sports, especially diving.

On that ill-fated day, Jin with his group of friends went to Hongdo Island.

"Guys, you see the dark clouds. I see a rain coming. Maybe we shouldn't dive."

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