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"Hobi?" Taehyung called. He came early from work. He has something else in his mind.

"Yeah." Hoseok was playing with his phone when Tae called him.

"Do you have any plans for tonight?"


"Then, would you like to go dinner with me?" Taehyung's question caught Hoseok off-guard.

"With you?"


"Me?" Hoseok asked pointing at himself. He was just checking unable to believe that his cold husband just asked him out on a date.




"With me?", Hoseok asked again.

"Who else? You are the only one here." Taehyung chuckled at Hoseok's disbelief at the invitation.

This was the first time Taehyung has invited him for a dinner...rather anywhere. Taehyung was a busy man who rarely spoke or barely had time for his husband. So, when Taehyung asked him for dinner, he was unable to believe his ears.

"Where are we going?"

"That's a surprise. We are leaving at 7 so be ready by then."

Hoseok looked at his phone. He had two hours so he ran to the bedroom and started trying on different outfits looking himself in the mirror, trying each and every outfit. He was checking out which looked the best. After hunting for an hour, he found something he felt was perfect. Taehyung smiled unconsciously at Hoseok's antics.

"Hoseok, you wanna shower first?"

"Ohh..okay." Hoseok snapped out of his thoughts and went to hit the shower grabbing his towel. After a few minutes, Hoseok stepped out of the shower, steam billowing around him and saw Taehyung waiting for him in the bed. His husband's eyes immediately fell upon him, and Hoseok couldn't help but notice the hungry look in Taehyung's gaze. Taehyung's eyes lingered on Hoseok's form, his towel precariously low on his hips, revealing just enough to stir Taehyung's desires. The scent of vanilla, lingering in the air from Hoseok's body wash, filled Taehyung's senses, intoxicating him further. For a moment, Taehyung closed his eyes, allowing himself to indulge in the fragrance and the sight before him, his mind consumed by the image of Hoseok's alluring presence. Hoseok felt himself scrutinized under the gaze of Taehyung. He never saw Taehyung eyeing him like this. Rather he never gave Hoseok a proper look. It was just formal most of the time. He felt a burst of happiness inside blushing under the gaze.

"Hoseok, are you done?" Taehyung's voice brought him back to reality, and with a shake of his head, Taehyung reluctantly tore his gaze away from his husband's enticing form.

"Ye...yeah," Hoseok replied, his voice husky with desire as he made his way out of the bedroom, his mind still reeling from the intensity of Taehyung's gaze.

As Taehyung stepped into the shower, the memory of Hoseok's body lingered in his mind like an irresistible allure. He couldn't shake the image of Hoseok's sculpted physique, every curve and contour etched into his memory with tantalizing clarity. The way Hoseok's skin glistened with moisture, the way his muscles moved with fluid grace—it was enough to send a shiver down Taehyung's spine.

But amidst the intoxicating allure of Hoseok's physical presence, Taehyung's thoughts veered unexpectedly towards his past, towards someone else who had once stolen his heart. A pang of guilt washed over him as memories of his previous love flooded his mind, leaving him feeling unsettled and conflicted.

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