𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟖

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"John, John, John!"

"Man this dude bleeds a lot"

"Yeah I know right. John, John!"
The once soft, muffled voice had turned loud and clear, worry laced in their tone.

His eyes flew open as he sat up quickly, bumping heads into the person who was waking him up. Althea.

"I-I'm sorry Althea, I didn't-"

"it's fine John, are-are you ok?" Her voice said coming out nasally as she rubbed the bridge of her nose. This dude has had enough concussions already.

"Yeah, well. What the fuck happened? I don't remember falling asleep" He exhaled, he was getting tired of being so dazed and confused and he made no effort at all to hide his frustration like he use to.

"you didn't, something happened to you on the car ride here."
She sighed feeling sympathy for the boy. Althea didn't really now John all that well but knew when he was frustrated at his situation.

"yeah you had a really bad nosebleed. Almost thought you were g-gonna die or something." She blurted out.

"Which reminds me I should go get something to clean the car and your nose" Patricia hurried off to get things in the store just as Althea looked towards her for assistance.

Maybe you should ask him something. No tell him a joke, he'll laugh. "What? no". She muttered to herself.


"nothing! nothing, you uh remember anything before you passed out?"

"no" Should I tell them maybe they'll help, doubt it.

"actually, there was a name I heard.. Jones-Jonesy?" He said almost like a question. She caught on to the name before she'd forget, opening her mouth to speak, she was cut off abruptly.

"Oh! A-and were in fucking Pennsylvania?!" He shrieked.

"We're in Pennsylvania" she calmly said. Althea that is what he just said... what the fuck?

"That's what I just said, Pennsylvania." He said, sitting straight up and looking like what he just realized was an insane fact.

The car was filled with silence as they exchanged weird looks to each other. He continued to give her the look of 'isn't this crazy' waiting for a response. She furrowed her brows, slowly moved her head side to side trying to figure out what he was getting at until she spoke up.

"Wait, where did you think we were?"

"not fucking Pennsylvania... like I know I'm in America b-but". He doesn't remember anything, he doesn't know where in England he's from, and why he's here. It was then that he began to hyperventilate alarming Althea who took her place beside him in the car.

"John, John you gotta breathe."

She placed her hand on his shoulder. "Close your eyes, think about nothing and just breathe and we'll talk about this ok?"

Closing his eyes and feeling her hand being lifted off his shoulder, he managed to calmed down and turned to face her. He suddenly turned shy, not wanting to meet eye contact with his concerned friend. "I-I don't know where-how-w-why I got here. I don't know where I'm from."

"I was trying to figure out before, where you came from but you didn't know, but my cousin knows the people that you spoke to maybe they can help you. They're stopping by on Friday." She tried to reassure him, lowering her head to meet his line of sight.

Giving him a small smile she once again reassured him, his demeanor still shy and introverted. "Listen we'll help you figure this out. Now let's help Patricia get some stuff, c'mon."

𝙎𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙀𝙙𝙜𝙚 // 𝑺𝒊𝒅 𝑽𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔Where stories live. Discover now