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"No text back yet?"Zia asks.

I fall back on my bed and sigh.Zia, my childhood best friend, follows suit and looks out the window.

"It's the time zone Spence.Of course it's going to-".

A ding of my phone causes both of us to jet up.I look down at the text message and my eyes go wide.

Zia narrows her eyes and reads it out loud."Love you too,Leigh???Who the fuck is Leigh".

The message is quickly deleted before another one is seen."Love you too Pen"I say clenching my teeth.

Who the fuck was Leigh?

I knew basically all of her friends here in Venice.None of them is named Leigh.And even if it was her friends from America...Why is she telling them how she loves them??

"I can't even mistake it for a misspell.Leigh and Pen are two completely different people"."Maybe she's tired"I respond.

"Or maybe she isn't shit".I give Zia a glare and she sighs.

"You two have been dating long distance for two years.She spends five months in the states and five months here.At first it could be because she's taking care of her sick grandma.But don't you find it weird?".

Of course I do.For the two years that me and Drew Waters have been dating I've met her parents once.

And that was only because I went to her house early for our date.AND even then her parents happened to be there.

I know long distance would be difficult but hell..Drew was the one that suggested it.

One lives in Venice,Italy while the other lived in Los Angelos,USA.

It was a barrier but FaceTimes and audio messages became our thing until the five months was up and we could see each other.

That was until last year.When her grandma go sick causing she and her family to move back to LA.She said it was only going to be for 3 months but we are rounding five months.

"Look.Spence you know I love you but this..something isn't right about this.Look I got a cousin in LA.I could ask her to do some digging once I send her a picture of Drew-"."-Okay".

Her eyes go wide and she freezes.Of course Zia would be shocked.I never go head on into a problem but this was my love life I'm talking about.

If I just spent two years with a girl who I'm giving me all to just for to be cheating?I would love to know if any of it was real.So?

"Let's do it.See what your cousin can find out about Drew Waters".

She smiles softly and there's a knock on my door."Spence?"Mom asks."Ahh the milf"Zia whispers.

I slap her Arm and she laughs.The door opens and my beautiful mom walks in.

Anais Moreau aka the famous Italian model that dominated the 80s,90s and even now with her modeling company?

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