14 | Lost but not Alone

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| Still in Minjis House |

"What exactly are you doing here?" Minji had a slightly confused look on her face as she looked down at Hanni, who was still in her arms because of the fall. She hadn't noticed what had happened in the hallway, had she? "I just... just wanted a drink. Yes, I just wanted a drink, but you... but you don't seem to have anything there," her eyes darting everywhere but Minji's to meet them. The latter made sure that she stood up straight again and let go of her. Then she lifted her hand out to the side and turned on the light in the kitchen, because it was really dark and since there were only two of them on the first floor, it shouldn't bother anyone. "Sorry, I didn't have time to get anything," at that moment she moved towards one of the chairs and picked up her blazer, which she threw on, "But if you want something to drink, I can just go and get it." Minji was about to head straight for the Wag, but she was stopped by Hanni blocking her way through the door. "...why do you have to get it first?" she still didn't look up at her, but Minji somehow knew what this was about.

It took Minji some time to find an answer to the question, even though it wasn't that difficult to answer: "I... I'm normally not here this often, so it's not worth having a full fridge." She hoped that it would be enough of an answer for her and she wanted to go straight on and was let past first. However, Hanni stopped her again when Minji felt her hand around her wrist and she tilted her head over her shoulder, "Is there anything else?" Hanni, however, didn't seem to say anything else, she just took a step closer to her, causing Minji to automatically turn to her. Before Hanni could get any closer, even if she didn't seem to do so, Minji put her hands on her arms to stop her. "It's all right. I'll go and fetch groceries, I'm sure we'll need something for tomorrow before we continue our search." Hanni lifted her hands up and reached for the collar of her blouse and . . . just straightened it. She nodded in response to the statement: "Okay. I'll come with you." Minji was momentarily flustered by the action, but immediately regained her composure and shook her head. "You must be tired, just go back upstairs, I'll handle it" but Hanni only looked up at her this time, "You should be one being tired. I'm coming with you, to make sure you don't fall asleep while driving." With these words, Hanni walked past Minji this time and opened the door to the street. Minji was a little puzzled, especially because she didn't know why she suddenly insisted on coming with her now?

There was only one way to find out if this new feeling inside her was really due to the fact that she was slowly but surely warming up to her. And what better way for Hanni to figure it out than to spend more time with her that wasn't forced or only happened because they had a common goal. Well, she might have invited herself to go with her now, but that was something completely different. Still, at least it counted as a start, right? Even if Hanni was at the same time still quite unsure. Before the two of them walked to the car, Minji pressed a few buttons on a box next to the entrance, just a safety measure in case something happened while they were gone. Every good house had a security system, didn't it? Besides, Danielle would be all alone and who knows what else these people are up to. At least Minji would get an alarm and they wouldn't be far away. When Hanni was already waiting at the car, she just shook her head: "It's not far, we can walk." It was certainly more convenient to take the car, but Minji didn't really want to use it that often. After all, these things didn't exist in her day, so why start jetting around in them for the shortest distances now? The shorter of the two seemed a little caught off guard, but took it in her stride and the two of them set off side by side.

| Taking a Walk |

Their path led them through a small park nearby. If she hadn't been traveling with Minji, Hanni wouldn't have dared to go this way alone. Of course, it was relatively safe on the city streets here, but you never knew. Especially not now that her life was being sought? And the visit to the forest a few hours ago also had an effect on the idea of not walking through dark natural areas in the middle of the night. Okay, you couldn't call the park a completely natural area, but one should get the gist already. As you might expect, not many words were exchanged during the walk. There were occasional glances at each other, but no one dared to break the silence. To be honest, it did get quite chilly... if Hanni had known beforehand that they weren't taking the car, she might have put her jacket on after all. Basically, she could have done so, but she firmly believed that if she had gone back inside, Minji would have disappeared without her. At least this way she could keep an eye on her to make sure she didn't do anything stupid. . . but the question was whether she would do that at all. So far, Minji didn't look like she was rashly rushing into things.

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