01 | Painful Memories

616 44 23

| During a cold winter's night, Korea 1442 . . . |

Snow. It had been snowing like crazy all day, the harbinger of a life-changing day. As if the Lord in heaven knew that something bad was about to happen. In the midst of the storm, you could see faint lights, torches held by soldiers, and if you came closer, you could join their conversation. 

About a dozen soldiers surrounded a harmless young woman kneeling on the cold, snow-covered ground with a steadfast expression on her face. "Do you really think she would come back for the likes of her?" one of the soldiers mentioned, his gaze fixed on the woman, disparaging and disgusted. "If I were her, I'd just leave that ugly woman here to rot in the snow," another began to laugh and the other soldiers joined in.

The hostage didn't react at first, but the other sayings around her tugged at her heart, could they possibly be true? She shook her head, she would never do that to her, besides, she didn't want them to save her ... what if it went wrong and they both died? The young woman raised her head and was about to say something when her eyes widened and all the other soldiers around her looked at one of their own.

Everyone could see a sword pierce through the chest of one of the men, followed by a hand snaking around his neck from behind and a dagger being drawn through his throat. Immediately alarmed, everyone else drew their weapons, but the snowstorm blocked their view. Only a dark silhouette could be made out and disappeared in the midst of the storm. "She's here! Everyone, keep your eyes open, don't let her get away!" The order came from the higher rank and he positioned himself strategically right next to the hostage.

Total silence spread out in the surroundings, you could only hear the hissing of the storm, the creaking of footsteps making their way through the snow and occasionally the fauna of the forest in the background. Everyone was clearly tense, their gazes frantic, trying to cover every angle, but she was nowhere to be found. A sudden scream rang out, followed by a muffled sound. Another man fell to the ground, soaking the white floor with his dark red. "What are you idiots doing! Get them! You, go and get reinforcements!"

Nodding at the order, the soldier ran off and made his way through the snowstorm... until only a silhouette of him could be found. But before it disappeared completely from their field of vision, they saw his upper body fall to the ground while his legs were still standing upright in the snow. "MY LEGS! AAAAAAAAH!", a pained cry and it was more than clear what had happened to him. The higher rank grabbed the hostage and pulled her up to his feet: "Fuck! Hold her back, kill her if you get the chance!"

With the decoy in tow, the captain made his way through the storm, with all the other soldiers following and protecting him. Of course, it was anything but easy, man after man fell to the ground, each one brutally murdered without even hesitating. Until finally there was only one soldier left. With one hand in front of his eyes, he looked over to another silhouette, the only one left here with him besides the hostage: "Is she dead? Thank God, you will be richly rewarded for this, I promise you."

But as the figure came closer and closer, he couldn't believe his eyes. A woman, the fabric of her clothes soaked in the blood of her enemies. A sword in one hand, a dagger in the other, her face also smeared with blood. "...let her go and I'll spare you." a cold and determined voice rangs. Panicked, he reached around the hostage and held his blade to her neck. "Spare me? As if! One step closer and your beloved friend dies by my sword!" his voice began to tremble, how could one not be intimidated after such an action?

"M-Minji..." only now could the woman in captivity react when she saw the face of her beloved and only now did the tears run down her cheeks. Fear spread throughout her body, a feeling she had previously pushed away in order to stay strong. A long silence filled the area again... only the soft sniffling of the hostage audible as Minji and the Captain fought a duel of stares. "Hanni! Get down!" Without waiting any longer, something flew towards her and the captain. At the moment of realization, she reacted reflexively and pulled her body down, leaving only the man's head in the field of fire as something dug deep into his eye. 

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