7. Do i have a crush?

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Pond's pov:

Me and joong decided to get something to drink after a long day at school. "Where should we go?" He asks. I looked around a little and then pointed at a cute looking cafe. "That looks good." We walked into some place called 'Blue cloud'. We took a window seat and placed an order. We were just chatting until i heard a familiar laugh from the table in front of us. I look where the voice came from, and it's Phuwin. "What are you looking at?" Joong asks. When i gave him no answer, he looked behind his shoulder. After a few seconds, he turned back to me and said. "Why are you staring at Dunk's friend?" I looked back at Joong in confusion. "Dunk? Like your childhood enemy?" Joong nods. "See the black haired boy next to him. That's the guy i slept with after that party." I took a small pause. "I texted him last night, got his insta from Niran, his name is Phuwin." Joong looks at me blankly and then says. "Phuwin is Dunk's childhood best friend. They grew up on the same street as me until Phuwin moved away." We stay silent. So many thoughts go running through my head. Was sleeping with him and texting him going to cost me my friendship with Joong?

"Malee! Come get some drinks!" A guy behind the counter screams. A girl from Dunk's and Phuwin's table with light brown hair and an apron with the cafe's logo stands up and makes her way to the counter to get some drinks from a table to another. She gestures something to Dunk and Phuwin, who now also stood up and made their way to the counters, taking drinks as the girl herself started making more. Dunk came up to our table and placed our drinks in front of us. Joong had a weak smile on his face. "If you need anything else, don't hesitate to ask." He said with a smile. Once he left, i raised my eyebrow in confusion and looked at Joong. "Weren't you supposed to hate him?" I ask. Joong sighs. "Me and him met up at a mall, and he confronted me about a little secret I have, and he swore not to tell anyone."
"The secret is that you're talking to Jai." I say, taking a sip of my coffee. Joong looks at me confused.
"How do you know that?" He asks studdering. "You smile while texting, and once when you went to the bathroom, your phone screen lit up, and it was a message from her. Then i started putting the pieces together."
Joong stays silent and then starts laughing. "You knew all this time."

"Let's get something sweet." I say. Joong noods. I tell a nearby worker that "we'd like to order"
"I'll get someone to come here and help you." He says, walking off. A minute later, Phuwin starts making his way towards our table. When his eyes landed on me, his smile faded a little. His face had a hint of annoyance. "What can i get you?"
"Yeah, we'd like two Strawberry shortcakes, please." He writes something down. "Okay, I'll be right back."
Soon, he arrives with two cakes, placing them in front of us. For some reason, i couldn't stop smiling. Something about this boy is different, I've never felt it with my other hookups.
After we finish eating we pay and make our way outside. "Okay, I'll start going, see you at school tomorrow." Joong says. I wave and also start moving. I go to my car and start it. After a quick 5 minute drive, i open my front door.

I take a hot shower and sit down on my couch, drying my hair. I turn on the tv looking through channels. My phone buzzes.

New message from Phuwintang

I smile. I click on the notification that took me to Instagram.

You've officially become a stalker

I didn't know you like that place.
I swear
It was a random choice

Thin iced naravit.
Thin ice.

I lock my phone. God, what if he thinks i actually tried to stalk him. But why does it actually matter. We just had sex a few days ago. I am no one to him. And he is no one to me. Why am i even trying. I get up from the couch and walk to the kitchen to make myself something to drink. I look through the cabinets and pick out green tea. I put water in the kettle and start boiling it. After it's done, i pour it into a mug and let it sit there for a little while with the teabag in. I go finish drying my hair and make my way back to the kitchen to get my tea. I go upstairs and sit down on my bed to drink my tea and just scroll on my phone. After a while, i got a message.

New message from Ava.K

What does she want.

Hey Pond
Are you awake?


Wanna come to my place?

I think for a while.


I chance my clothes and put on my shoes. Do a quick check in the mirror and then walk outside, closing the door behind me. I get in my car and start driving. I ring the doorbell, and Ava opens the door. We go inside and make our way to her bedroom.

I look at the ceiling. I can't get him out of my head. Whatever i do, i keep on thinking about him. I look to my right seeing Ava half asleep. Is this even right. I know me and Phuwin are no one to each other and but sleeping with someone else just feels wrong. I look at my phone: 23:12. I slowly get out of bed and start putting on my clothes again. "Where you going?" I stay quiet. "I think we should end this." I say.
"End what? Sleeping together?"
"Yeah, i don't want to do this anymore." I turn around and look at her. "Are you serious?" She laughs. "Completely." She stops laughing and looks at me in a kinda disgusting way. "We've been doing this thing for almost a year, and you suddenly want to stop? What did your girlfriend figure out that you're sleeping with me?"
"Do you seriously think I'm a person who would cheat?" I say with an annoyed and angry tone. She stays quiet with a little smirk on her face. "Maybe. You just seem to give off that vibe." Once she finished her sentence, i decided to leave. I sit in my car, but i don't turn it on. I give of cheater vibes. Is that why Phuwin wants to stay away from me? I cover my face with my hands and just stay like that for a few minutes to clear my head. Do i actually have feelings for him? Why can't i stop thinking of him, and whenever i see him, i just smile. I groune. I take out my phone nad start googling. 'How to know if you have have feelings for someone?'

They become a priority.
• You can't stop thinking of them.
•You feel joy and happiness when. thinking of them or seeing them.
•You make changes in your life so you can be with them.

Do i have a crush on Phuwin Tang....

Hold me as tight as possible {JoongDunk & PondPhuwin}Where stories live. Discover now