1. Invite

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Dunk's pov:

History is one of the classes that I'm not the best at. It isn't too complicated for me, but my average grade is an A in this class. My parents say that an A is a wonderful grade and that it isn't the end of the world if one of my trimester grades is an A. But it is the end of the world. If i have to compete with Joong, any grade below A+ is already at risk of attack by him. So i need to find a way to bump up my grade in 2 weeks. I'll do anything at this point.
"Mr. Revit, is there anything i could do to bump my grade up?" I say. He looks at me confused. "Your current grade is an A. Why would you want to get a higher grade?"
"I just feel like i could do better in this class. So i hope that you can find me something."
"Hmm..." he looks at his computer screen for a few seconds and then opens his mouth again. "I'll figure something out for Friday."
I smile at that response. "Thank you!"

I need to find Phuwin, I'm in a need for a good soda right now. I make my way to the music classroom, walking up the stairs to the 5th floor.
Before i could even make it to the 3rd floor, someone stopped me, calling my name. "Dunk!" I look at where the voice was coming from. Prija, my crush. I've liked her ever since 7th grade. And for some reason, whatever i do, she only finds me as a friend to her.
"Hey, Dunk, what are you doing tonight?"
"Nothing much, maybe drawing a little."
"If you are doing anything very important, I'd hope to see you and Phuwin at my Halloween party tonight." She says, smiling. I look at her and think for a few seconds. "Sure, we'll come." An even bigger smile appears on her face as i say it.
"Good, cya at my place, 11 o'clock."

"Why are we going to her party again?" Phuwin asks. I look at him and sigh. "I hope to confess to her tonight." Phuwin looks at me with a blank face and then says. "You're finally doing it? Don't come crying to me when she rejects you."
"Haha, very funny. Im serious about this."
"Okay, okay, i get. Let's just go there for an hour or 2 so you have time to confess and then get out of there. I seriously hate the popular football players, cocky ass hell. They can't keep their mouths shut for even a minute." Phuwin says with a pissed voice. I laugh and put my hand around his shoulder as we start walking towards the cafeteria. "Come on, let's get a drink and then help me with the lyrics."

"Strawberry, blueberry or lemon?" Phuwin asks. "Strawberry, what kind of question is this?" Phuwin presses the number 4 on the vending machine and takes the drink from the small compartment.
"So what's your new song gonna be about?" He asks, opening his lemon flavored drink and taking a sip.
"I kinda want to write a romance song since i haven't done one yet."
"Okay, what's stopping you?"
"Lack of experience, i guess."
"Oh, come on, you dated many girls in high school, and one just a little over a year ago. How can you lack experience?"
"Well, at least hundreds of girls don't have a crush on me."
"Okay, fine, why don't you write a song about having a secret crush. You have experience in that." Phuwin says, laughing. I smack his head. "Joking, joking, calm down, please don't murder me!"

Suddenly, we hear a lot of yelling and high-pitched screams. The football team is here. I don't even bother to look in their direction knowing that Joong is part of our school team. "I dont get it. Why are the girls going insane about them 24/7? There's nothing special about them, just a bunch of players who manage to get a new girlfriend every other week." Phuwin says. At that point, i also looked at the team and could feel Joongs eyes on me. Burning into my back.
"Let's go. i need to get to English class." I say in a rush to get out of Joongs sight. As we were walking by the football team, a guy from my English class, whose name i believe is Pond, winked at Phuwin. Phuwin has a confused look on his face. He picks up the pace to get out of this weird situation.

"I'm tired. Let's go already," Phuwin whines. I looked at myself in the mirror for the last time and got my phone from my nightstand. I close my bedroom door and make my way down the stairs. "Finally." He says under his breath. We get in my car and start driving. Pija only lives about 10 minutes away from me.
I park my car down the street, and we enter the big mansion. "Damn, she rich." Phuwin says. We looked around a little and got a few drinks as i was looking for Pija. "So when's the big moment gonna happen?"
"I don't actually know. I need to find the perfect time. I just hope i don't make it awkward between us after this." I say as i sigh. "You'll be fineee." He says, patting my shoulder. Just as i was about to take a nother sip of my drink, i see Pija with her friends by the fireplace. "Hey, i see her, I'll go tell her."
"Good luck. I'll look around a little."
I make my way to the fireplace and see her laughing with her friends. She is very drunk. "Hey Pija, could i talk to you privately for a second?"
She looks at me. "Hey dunk, of courseeee." She says. We go outside by the pool where there's not that many people as inside. "Can we do this quickly? My boyfriend is probably looking for me." She says, smiling. "Boyfriend?"
"Yes, my boyfriend. We've actually been together for almost 3 years now."
I put a smile on my face. "Aww, you guys must be cute. Congratulations!"
I say, trying not to cry.

I needed to find Phuwin and get the hell out of here. I texted Phuwin, but he didn't answer, probably talking to some girl. I make my way to the bathroom to freshen up and then go look for Phuwin. I was washing my hands as someone entered the bathroom. I look at the person, Joong. He looks at and then says "sorry i wanted a tissue, I'll come back later."
"Oh, it's fine. Take one." He walks towards the counter and takes a tissue from the tissue box. He stays there for a few seconds and then says. "You smell nice."
Before i even knew it, i decided to kiss him. I don't know what was going through my head at that moment. And for some reason, he kissed me back. I broke the kiss, looking embarrassed. I cover my face with my hands. "Shit, im sorry, i seriously dont know what i was doing." He removes my hands from my face and looks into my eyes for a few seconds before kissing me. A few kisses suddenly turn into a whole make-out session. He trails his kisses down to my neck and starts leaving marks. Then we heard a noise. Someone was knocking on the door. We separate quickly, and Joong goes to the door. It's some girl. "Hey, could i use the bathroom real quick?" She asks. Joong noods and walks out of the room, and i follow. I make my way to the living room and get myself a drink again. Joong came up to me and whispers in my ear. "I don't mind continuing." He looks in my eyes for a few seconds and then takes my hand as we leave the house. Before i noticed, we were at his condo. He was silent for a minute or two and then said, "If you're dating someone or dont want to, then i won't do this." Silence. "I'm single, and i want to do this." When the last words came out of my mouth, he started kissing me again and leading me to his bedroom.

Hellloo, a little authors note here. I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter and will continue reading. My writing schedule is kinda weird sooo im sorry.

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